Improving the Cluster Structure Extracted from OPTICS Plots
改进从 OPTICS 图中提取的聚类结构
Erich Schubert and Michael Gertz
Erich Schubert 和 Michael Gertz
Heidelberg University {schubert,gertz}@informatik.uni-heidelberg.d
海德堡大学 {schubert,gertz}@informatik.uni-heidelberg.d
Abstract. Density-based clustering is closely associated with the two algorithms DBSCAN and OPTICS. While the first finds clusters connected at a single density threshold, the latter allows the extraction of a cluster hierarchy based on different densities. Extraction methods for clusters from OPTICS rely on an intermediate representation, known as the OPTICS plot. In this plot, which can be seen as a density profile of the data set, valleys (areas of higher density) are associated with clusters. Multiple methods for automatic detecting such valleys have been proposed, but all of them tend to produce a particular artifact, where some point is included in the cluster that may be far away from the remainder. In this article, we will discuss this commonly seen artifact, and propose a simple but sound way of removing the artifacts. At the same time, this change is minimally invasive, and tries to keep the existing algorithms largely intact for future study.
摘要。基于密度的聚类与 DBSCAN 和 OPTICS 这两种算法密切相关。前者在单一密度阈值下找到连接的聚类,而后者允许基于不同密度提取聚类层次结构。从 OPTICS 中提取聚类的方法依赖于一种中间表示,称为 OPTICS 图。在该图中,可以将数据集视为密度剖面,谷值(高密度区域)与聚类相关联。已经提出了多种自动检测此类谷值的方法,但所有这些方法都倾向于产生一种特定的伪影,其中某些点可能包含在远离其余部分的聚类中。在本文中,我们将讨论这种常见的伪影,并提出一种简单但有效的方法来去除这些伪影。同时,这种改变是微创的,并试图保持现有算法基本不变,以便未来研究。
1 Introduction
1 引言
Cluster analysis is the task of discovering previously unknown structure in a data set, and belongs to the “unsupervised learning” subdomain of data mining where no labeled data is available yet. It can be used to infer an initial labeling of the data, but clustering results tend to not be reliable enough to automate such use. But it can be used in explorative data analysis to assist the user in discovering patterns that may lead to meaningful labels after formalization. For example, a clustering might suggest three subtypes of a disease to the user, and clinical verification may be able to confirm two of these three subtypes with appropriate thresholds to differentiate them. Here, the clustering itself does not need to produce “perfect” results, but it was used to find a hypothesis.
While clustering is considered an unsupervised task—it cannot learn from labels, in contrast to classification—it is not entirely free of assumptions on the data. In hierarchical clustering, the key assumption is that nearby objects should be in the same cluster, while far away objects belong to different clusters. Probably the most used clustering method, k -means clustering [24, 25, 16], is based on the assumption that the data consists of k groups, such that the sum of squared errors is minimized within clusters, and maximized inbetween clusters. While this is useful in many applications such as image quantization, it does not work very well when the clusters are of different shape and density, or if there are too many outliers in the data set.
虽然聚类被认为是一种无监督任务——与分类不同,它无法从标签中学习——但它并非完全不对数据做出假设。在层次聚类中,关键假设是相邻的对象应该属于同一簇,而相距较远的对象则属于不同的簇。可能是最常用的聚类方法,k 均值聚类 [24, 25, 16],基于的假设是数据由 k 个组组成,使得簇内的平方误差和最小化,而簇间的平方误差和最大化。尽管这在许多应用中(如图像量化)很有用,但当簇的形状和密度不同,或者数据集中存在过多异常值时,它的效果并不理想。
The key assumption of density-based clustering is that regions of similar density— when connected to each other—should belong to the same cluster. For this, the seminal algorithm DBSCAN [15, 33] introduced the concepts of “density reach ability” and “density connected ness”, where clusters of DBSCAN are those objects, which form a density connected component. DBSCAN required the specification of two parameters: minPts and ε (plus the implicit parameter of a distance function) which together specify a minimum density requirement: points with more than minPts neighbors within a radius ε are considered dense and called “core points”, and those neighbors are considered to be direct density-reachable from this seed points. The algorithm then computes the transitive closure of this reach ability relation. Where DBSCAN used a binary predicate of density, OPTICS [6] only retains the minPts requirement: in OPTICS, a point is dense at a radius r if it has at least minPts neighbors within this radius. OPTICS is a greedy algorithm, which always processes the neighbors of the most dense points first (by organizing points in a priority queue), and produces an ordering of the points known as “cluster order”. The diagram placing objects on the x axis according to their cluster order, and the density at which the point was reached on the y axis, is known as the “OPTICS plot”. If a cluster exhibits a density clustering structure, this plot will exhibit valleys corresponding to the clusters. If there is a hierarchy of clusters, there may be smaller valleys inside larger valleys, as it can be seen in Fig.1d. Such plots are easy to use for the researcher if the data set is not too large, and multiple algorithms have been proposed to automatically extract clusters: along with OPTICS, the authors proposed to detect valleys based on a minmum relative distance change of ξ [6]. In [29], the authors order maxima of the OPTICS plot by their significance, and only use significant maxima for splitting the data set. The main benefit of this approach is that it produces a simpler and thus easier to use cluster hierarchy than the ξ method. An anglebased extraction based on inflexion points was introduced in [8]. The main benefit of this approach is that it takes a larger context into account, where the ξ method would only look at the distances of two subsequent objects in the plot.
基于密度的聚类算法的关键假设是,当密度相似的区域相互连接时,它们应该属于同一个簇。为此,开创性的算法 DBSCAN [15, 33] 引入了“密度可达性”和“密度连接性”的概念,其中 DBSCAN 的簇是那些形成密度连接组件的对象。DBSCAN 需要指定两个参数:minPts 和 ε(加上距离函数的隐式参数),这两个参数共同指定了最小密度要求:在半径 ε 内拥有超过 minPts 个邻居的点被认为是密集的,称为“核心点”,这些邻居被认为是从这些种子点直接密度可达的。然后,算法计算这种可达性关系的传递闭包。在 DBSCAN 使用密度的二元谓词的地方,OPTICS [6] 仅保留了 minPts 的要求:在 OPTICS 中,如果一个点在半径 r 内至少有 minPts 个邻居,则该点在该半径内是密集的。OPTICS 是一种贪心算法,它总是首先处理最密集点的邻居(通过将点组织在优先队列中),并生成一种称为“簇顺序”的点排序。将对象根据其簇顺序放置在 x 轴上,并将点达到的密度放置在 y 轴上的图表称为“OPTICS 图”。如果簇表现出密度聚类结构,则该图将显示出与簇对应的谷。如果存在簇的层次结构,则可能在较大的谷内有较小的谷,如图 1d 所示。如果数据集不太大,这种图对研究人员来说很容易使用,并且已经提出了多种算法来自动提取簇:与 OPTICS 一起,作者提出基于最小相对距离变化 ξ 来检测谷 [6]。在 [29] 中,作者根据其显著性对 OPTICS 图的最大值进行排序,并仅使用显著的最大值来分割数据集。这种方法的主要优点是它产生了一个比 ξ 方法更简单且更容易使用的簇层次结构。在 [8] 中引入了基于拐点的角度提取方法。这种方法的主要优点是它考虑了更大的上下文,而 ξ 方法只会查看图中两个后续对象的距离。
Fig. 1: Istanbul tweets data set
图 1: 伊斯坦布尔推文数据集
In Fig. 1 we introduce our running example. This data set contains 10,000 coordinates derived from real tweets in Istanbul. The raw coordinates can be seen in Fig. 1a, along with the coastline for illustration, and colored by administrative areas. Classic k - means clustering can be seen in Fig.1b, with k=75 chosen by the Calinski-Harabasz criterion [11] (but this heuristic did not yield a clear “best” k ). A hierarchical density-based clustering is shown in Fig.1c. This clustering does not partition all data points equally, but it emphasizes region of higher density, possibly even nested. Many of these regions correspond to neighborhood centers and shopping areas. Fig.1d shows the OPTICS plot for this clustering.
在图 1 中,我们介绍了我们的运行示例。该数据集包含从伊斯坦布尔的真实推文中提取的 10,000 个坐标。原始坐标可以在图 1a 中看到,同时为了说明,还绘制了海岸线,并按行政区域进行了着色。经典的 k -均值聚类可以在图 1b 中看到,其中 k=75 是通过 Calinski-Harabasz 准则 [11] 选择的(但该启发式方法并未产生一个明确的“最佳” k)。基于密度的层次聚类如图 1c 所示。这种聚类方法不会平等地分割所有数据点,但它强调了密度较高的区域,甚至可能是嵌套的。其中许多区域对应于社区中心和购物区。图 1d 显示了该聚类的 OPTICS 图。
The remainder of this article is structured as follows: In Section 2, we examine related work. Then we introduce the basics of OPTICS in Section 3 and cluster extraction from OPTICS plots in Section 3.3. Then we will discuss the extraction problem effecting all methods based solely on the OPTICS plot, as well as introducing a simple remedy for this problem in Section 4. Finally, we will demonstrate the differences on some example data sets in Section 5, and conclude the article in Section 6.
2 Related Work
2 相关工作
DBSCAN [15] is the most widely known density based clustering method. In essence, the algorithm finds all connected components in a data set which are connected at a given density threshold given by a maximum distance ε and the minimum number of points minPts contained within this radius. The approach has been generalized to allow other concepts of neighborhoods as well as other notions of what constitutes are cluster core point [28]. In [33], the authors revisit DBSCAN after 20 years, provide an abstract form, discuss the runtime in more detail, the algorithms limitations and provide some suggestions on parameter choices (in particular, how to recognize and avoid parameters). In OPTICS [6] the approach was modified to produce a hierarchy of clusters by keeping the minPts parameter, but varying the radius. Objects that satisfy the density requirement at a smaller radius connect earlier and thus form a lower level of the hierarchy. OPTICS however only produces an order of points, from which the clusters either need to be extracted using visual inspection [6], the ξ method [6], using significant maxima [29] or inflexion points [8]. The relationship of OPTICS plots to d end ro grams (as known from hierarchical agglom erat ive clustering) has been discussed in [29].
DBSCAN [15] 是最广为人知的基于密度的聚类方法。本质上,该算法在数据集中找到所有在给定密度阈值下连接的连通分量,该阈值由最大距离 ε 和该半径内包含的最小点数 minPts 给出。该方法已被推广,允许使用其他邻域概念以及构成簇核心点的其他定义 [28]。在 [33] 中,作者在 20 年后重新审视了 DBSCAN,提供了一个抽象形式,更详细地讨论了运行时间、算法的局限性,并提供了一些参数选择的建议(特别是如何识别和避免参数)。在 OPTICS [6] 中,该方法被修改为通过保持 minPts 参数但改变半径来生成聚类的层次结构。在较小半径下满足密度要求的对象会较早连接,从而形成层次结构的较低级别。然而,OPTICS 仅生成点的顺序,需要使用视觉检查 [6]、ξ 方法 [6]、显著最大值 [29] 或拐点 [8] 从中提取聚类。OPTICS 图与树状图(如层次凝聚聚类中所知)的关系已在 [29] 中讨论。
Outside of clustering, the concepts of DBSCAN and OPTICS also were used for outlier detection algorithms such as the local outlier factor LOF [10] and the closely related OPTICS-OF outlier factor [9]. The concept of density-based clustering was also inspiration for the algorithms DenClue [20] and DenClue 2 [19], which employ gridbased strategies to discover modes in the density distribution. Both belong to the wider family of mode-seeking algorithms such as mean-shift clustering orignating in image analysis and statistical density estimation [17, 14]. The algorithm DeLiClu [3] employs an R∗ -tree [7] to improve s cal ability, by performing a nearest-neighbor self-join on the tree. This can greatly reduce the number of distance computations, but increases the implementation complexity and makes the algorithm harder to optimize. It also removes the need to set the ε parameter of OPTICS, as the join will automatically stop when everything is connected, without computing all pairwise distances.
在聚类之外,DBSCAN 和 OPTICS 的概念也被用于异常检测算法,例如局部异常因子 LOF [10] 和密切相关的 OPTICS-OF 异常因子 [9]。基于密度的聚类概念也启发了 DenClue [20] 和 DenClue 2 [19] 算法,这些算法采用基于网格的策略来发现密度分布中的模式。两者都属于更广泛的模式寻找算法家族,例如起源于图像分析和统计密度估计的均值漂移聚类 [17, 14]。算法 DeLiClu [3] 使用 R∗ 树 [7] 来提高可扩展性,通过在树上执行最近邻自连接。这可以大大减少距离计算的数量,但增加了实现的复杂性,并使算法更难优化。它还消除了设置 OPTICS 的 ε 参数的需要,因为当所有内容都连接时,连接将自动停止,而无需计算所有成对距离。
FastOPTICS [30, 31] approximates the results of OPTICS using 1-dimensional random projections, suitable for Euclidean space. The concepts of OPTICS were transferred to subspace clustering in the algorithms HiSC [2] and DiSH [1], for correlation clustering in HiCO [4], and to uncertain data in FOPTICS [22]. HDBSCAN* [12] is a revisited version of DBSCAN, where the concept of border points was removed, which yields a cleaner theoretical formulation of the algorithm, even closer connected to graph theory. In [13] the authors propose a general extraction strategy for hierarchical clusters that works well with HDBSCAN*, assuming that the hierarchy essentially corresponds to a minimum spanning tree. HDBSCAN* can be accelerated using dual-tree joins [26].
FastOPTICS [30, 31] 使用一维随机投影近似 OPTICS 的结果,适用于欧几里得空间。OPTICS 的概念被转移到子空间聚类算法 HiSC [2] 和 DiSH [1] 中,用于 HiCO [4] 中的相关聚类,以及 FOPTICS [22] 中的不确定数据。HDBSCAN* [12] 是 DBSCAN 的重新审视版本,其中移除了边界点的概念,这使得算法的理论表述更加清晰,更接近图论。在 [13] 中,作者提出了一种适用于 HDBSCAN* 的层次聚类提取策略,假设层次结构本质上对应于最小生成树。HDBSCAN* 可以使用双树连接 [26] 进行加速。
3 OPTICS Clustering
We will now first briefly review the core ideas of OPTICS clustering. The first idea is the notion of density reach ability, defining at which distance two neighbors are connected. Clusters are then connected components of this reach ability.
我们现在首先简要回顾一下 OPTICS 聚类的核心思想。第一个思想是密度可达性 (density reachability) 的概念,它定义了在什么距离下两个邻居是连接的。然后,聚类就是这种可达性的连接组件。
3.1 Reach ability Model of OPTICS
3.1 OPTICS 的可达性模型
OPTICS [6] uses the concept of “reach ability distance” for constructing clusters. This distance correspond y closely to the ε radius parameter of DBSCAN, and can be seen as an inverse density estimate: all points within a cluster are “density connected” with at least this density. Reach ability is the maximum of two factors, the first being the actual distance of the two points, and the second being the core-distance of the origin point. In OPTICS [6], the core-distance was defined as
OPTICS [6] 使用“可达性距离”的概念来构建聚类。该距离与 DBSCAN 的 ε 半径参数密切相关,可以视为逆密度估计:聚类内的所有点都“密度连接”,且至少具有此密度。可达性是两个因素的最大值,第一个是两点之间的实际距离,第二个是起始点的核心距离。在 OPTICS [6] 中,核心距离被定义为
where minPts -dist is the distance to the minPts nearest neighbor. In the following, we will omit the εmax parameter and the associated UNDEFINED case from the original
其中 minPts -dist 是到 minPts 最近邻的距离。在下文中,我们将省略原始公式中的 εmax 参数及其相关的 UNDEFINED 情况。
definitions for brevity.1 Furthermore, we can simply use infinity ∞ instead of a special UNDEFINED value. If εmax is chosen large enough, this case does not occur, and we can substitute minPts -dist for the core-distance.
为了简洁起见,我们省略了定义。此外,我们可以简单地使用无穷大 ∞ 来代替特殊的 UNDEFINED 值。如果 εmax 选择得足够大,这种情况就不会发生,我们可以用 minPts -dist 代替核心距离。
We can then define the reach ability of a point p from a point o as:2
然后我们可以将点 p 从点 o 的可达性定义为:2
Reach ability, while originally called “reach ability distance” is not a distance as defined in mathematics, because it is not symmetric. This asymmetry is often causing confusion, and we thus will only refer to it simply as “reach ability” here. Intuitively, this value is the minimum distance threshold ε that we need to choose, to make p density-reachable from o and thus part of the same DBSCAN cluster. OPTICS is based on the same idea of clusters being connected components based on a reach ability threshold.
可达性(Reachability),最初被称为“可达性距离”,并不是数学上定义的距离,因为它不具备对称性。这种不对称性常常引起混淆,因此我们在这里仅简称为“可达性”。直观上,这个值是我们需要选择的最小距离阈值 ε,以使 p 从 o 密度可达,从而成为同一 DBSCAN 聚类的一部分。OPTICS 基于相同的聚类思想,即聚类是基于可达性阈值的连通分量。
The use of core distances prevents (for large enough minPts) the undesirable chaining effect known as “single-link effect” that affects hierarchical clustering, in particular on noisy data. For practical purposes, minPts must thus be chosen not too small, but values such as minPts =5 may be sufficient for small 2-dimensional data sets with little noise. The suggestions in [33] for choosing minPts in DBSCAN may be applicable.
核心距离的使用防止了(对于足够大的minPts)影响层次聚类的“单链效应”这一不良连锁反应,特别是在噪声数据上。因此,在实际应用中,minPts的选择不宜过小,但对于噪声较少的小型二维数据集,minPts =5 可能已经足够。文献 [33] 中关于在DBSCAN中选择minPts的建议可能适用。
3.2 Algorithmic Aspects of OPTICS
3.2 OPTICS 的算法方面
The OPTICS agorithm is an efficient algorithm to approximate the density clustering structure given by the reach ability distance introduced above. It uses a greedy approach to find dense areas: it always processes the point with the currently lowest known reachability next (intuitively, the point with the highest expected density), removes it from the candidates and adds it to the output list, then updates the reach ability of its yet un processed neighbors if (and only if) it decreased.
The output of OPTICS is an ordering of the database along with the reach ability of each object, but not clusters in the traditional sense of data partitions. Instead, different visual and automatic methods can be used to extract clusters from this order. The cluster order is not fully deterministic because points with the same distance may be processed in any order. Thus, different runs may yield different results that nevertheless correspond to a highly similar cluster structure.
OPTICS 的输出是数据库的排序以及每个对象的可达性,而不是传统意义上的数据分区集群。相反,可以使用不同的视觉和自动方法从此排序中提取集群。集群顺序并不完全确定,因为具有相同距离的点可以按任何顺序处理。因此,不同的运行可能会产生不同的结果,但这些结果仍然对应于高度相似的集群结构。
A key design aspect of the OPTICS algorithm is its efficiency if the database can accelerate radius queries. If the database can answer such queries for the given data set, distance function, and radius εmax within logn time on average, then the run-time of OPTICS can be nlogn instead of O(n2) , making it suitable for large data sets.3 For too large radius εmax , or “malicious” data sets, such run-times can usually not be guaranteed (c.f., [33]), so the worst-case run-time supposedly remains O(n2) . In many practical applications, speedups of this magnitude can be observed empirically with indexes such as the k-d-tree and R∗ -tree [7].
OPTICS 算法的一个关键设计方面是其效率,如果数据库能够加速半径查询。如果数据库能够在平均 logn 时间内回答给定数据集、距离函数和半径 εmax 的此类查询,那么 OPTICS 的运行时间可以是 nlogn 而不是 O(n2),从而使其适用于大数据集。对于过大的半径 εmax 或“恶意”数据集,通常无法保证这样的运行时间(参见 [33]),因此最坏情况下的运行时间可能仍然是 O(n2)。在许多实际应用中,使用诸如 k-d 树和 R∗ 树 [7] 等索引可以经验性地观察到这种速度提升。
OPTICS uses a priority queue for processing points. Initially the queue is empty, and if a maximum distance εmax is used, it may become empty again. If empty, an un processed point is chosen at random with a reach ability of ∞ . OPTICS polls one point o at a time from this priority queue, adds it to the cluster order with its current reach ability, marks it as visited, and searches its neighborhood: For every neighbor p of o that has not yet been visited, reach ability (p←o) is computed, and the priority queue is updated, unless it already contains a better reach ability for p .
OPTICS 使用优先队列处理点。初始时队列为空,如果使用了最大距离 εmax,队列可能会再次变为空。如果队列为空,则随机选择一个未处理的点,其可达性为 ∞。OPTICS 从该优先队列中每次轮询一个点 o,将其当前可达性添加到聚类顺序中,标记为已访问,并搜索其邻域:对于 o 的每个尚未访问的邻居 p,计算可达性 (p←o),并更新优先队列,除非队列中已经包含 p 的更好可达性。
The approach used by OPTICS bears similarities with Prim’s algorithm [27] for computing the minimum spanning tree; except that for efficiency OPTICS only considers edges with a maximum length of εmax ; and the output is a linear order instead of a spanning tree. Intuitively, OPTICS builds the cluster order by always adding the point next which is best reachable from all previous points (and drawing one at random, if no point is reachable or there is no previous point).
OPTICS 使用的方法与 Prim 算法 [27] 在计算最小生成树时的方法有相似之处;不同之处在于,为了提高效率,OPTICS 只考虑最大长度为 εmax 的边;并且输出是一个线性顺序,而不是生成树。直观上,OPTICS 通过始终添加从所有先前点中最佳可达的下一个点来构建聚类顺序(如果没有点可达或没有先前的点,则随机选择一个点)。
3.3 Cluster Extraction from OPTICS Plots
3.3 从 OPTICS 图中提取聚类
Density-based clusters correspond to “valleys” in OPTICS plots as seen in Fig. 1d, but the formal definition of a valley turns out to be more difficult than expected.
基于密度的簇对应于 OPTICS 图中的“谷”,如图 1d 所示,但谷的形式定义比预期的要困难。
OPTICS [6] defined the notion of ξ -steep points if the reach ability of two successive points in the cluster order differs by a factor of more than 1−ξ . Downward steep points are candidates for the beginning of a cluster, and upward steep points are candidates for the end. The exact definitions of ξ -clusters involves handling of additional constraints, such as ensuring a minimum cluster size and taking the minimum in-between value into account for inferring the hierarchical structure. Details on this can be found in [6].
OPTICS [6] 定义了 ξ -steep 点的概念,如果簇顺序中两个连续点的可达性相差超过 1−ξ 的因子。向下陡峭点是簇开始的候选点,而向上陡峭点是簇结束的候选点。ξ -簇的精确定义涉及处理额外的约束,例如确保最小簇大小,并在推断层次结构时考虑中间的最小值。有关此内容的详细信息可以在 [6] 中找到。
This extraction method operates only on the OPTICS plot only, not on the original data: it identifies sub sequences that exhibit a steep gradient, and then selects the corresponding sub sequence of the cluster order. It works as desired, and often would select those areas a human expert would select base on visual inspection of the OPTICS plot.
When running this algorithm on larger data sets, certain artifacts have been observed when inspecting the cluster in detail. This becomes most obvious when drawing the convex hulls of cluster of geographical points, as seen in Fig. 2a for Tweet locations in the Bosporus region (Fig. 2c and 2d are close-ups; lines are the convex hulls of the cluster points): some clusters have a spike extending from them that does not appear to be correct. Closer inspection revealed that these are always the last few objects within a cluster, and this problem can be provoked on a much smaller data set.
在更大的数据集上运行此算法时,详细检查集群时会观察到某些伪影。这在绘制地理点集群的凸包时最为明显,如图 2a 中博斯普鲁斯地区的推文位置所示(图 2c 和 2d 是特写;线条是集群点的凸包):一些集群有一个从它们延伸出来的尖峰,这似乎不正确。更仔细的检查表明,这些总是集群中的最后几个对象,这个问题可以在更小的数据集上被引发。
4 Using Predecessor Information for Improved Cluster Extraction
4 利用前驱信息改进集群提取
The implementation of OPTICS in ELKI [5] includes ad