Anytime Active Learning
A common bottleneck in deploying supervised learning systems is collecting human-annotated examples. In many domains, annotators form an opinion about the label of an example increment ally — e.g., each additional word read from a document or each additional minute spent inspecting a video helps inform the annotation. In this paper, we investigate whether we can train learning systems more efficiently by requesting an annotation before inspection is fully complete — e.g., after reading only 25 words of a document. While doing so may reduce the overall annotation time, it also introduces the risk that the annotator might not be able to provide a label if interrupted too early. We propose an anytime active learning approach that optimizes the annotation time and response rate simultaneously. We conduct user studies on two document classification datasets and develop simulated annotators that mimic the users. Our simulated experiments show that anytime active learning outperforms several baselines on these two datasets. For example, with an annotation budget of one hour, training a classifier by annotating the first 25 words of each document reduces classification error by 17 over annotating the first 100 words of each document.
Active learning is a machine learning approach that seeks to maximize classifier accuracy while minimizing the effort of human annotators (Settles 2012). This is typically done by prioritizing example annotation according to the utility to the classifier.
主动学习是一种机器学习方法,旨在最大化分类器的准确性,同时最小化人工标注者的工作量 (Settles 2012)。这通常通过根据分类器的效用优先标注示例来实现。
In this paper, we begin with the simple observation that in many domains human annotators form an opinion about the label of an example increment ally. For example, while reading a document, an annotator makes a more informed deci- sion about the topic assignment as each word is read. Similarly, in video classification the annotator becomes more certain of the class label the longer she watches the video.
The question we ask is whether we can more efficiently train a classifier by interrupting the annotator to ask for a label, rather than waiting until the annotator has fully completed her inspection. For example, in document classification the active learner may request the label after the annotator has read the first 50 words of the document. For video classification, the active learner may decide to show only a short clip. We refer to this approach as anytime active learning (AAL), by analogy to anytime algorithms, whose execution may be interrupted at any time to provide an answer.
我们提出的问题是,是否可以通过打断标注者以请求标签来更高效地训练分类器,而不是等待标注者完全完成检查。例如,在文档分类中,主动学习器可能在标注者阅读了文档的前50个词后请求标签。对于视频分类,主动学习器可能决定只展示一个简短的片段。我们将这种方法称为随时主动学习 (AAL),类似于随时算法,其执行可以在任何时间中断以提供答案。
If the decision of when to interrupt the annotator is made optimally, we can expect to reduce total annotation effort by eliminating unnecessary inspection time that does not affect the returned label. However, the annotator may not be able to provide a label if interrupted too early – e.g., the annotator will not know how to label a document after seeing only the first word. AAL strategies, then, must balance two competing objectives: (1) the time spent annotating an instance (annotation cost); (2) the likelihood that the annotator will be able to produce a label (annotation response rate). In this paper, we propose and evaluate a number of anytime active learning strategies applied to the domain of document classification. In this domain, it is natural to implement this approach by revealing only the first k words to the annotator, which we refer to as a sub instance.
如果能够最优地决定何时中断标注者,我们可以通过消除不影响返回标签的不必要检查时间来减少总标注工作量。然而,如果过早中断标注者,标注者可能无法提供标签——例如,标注者在只看到第一个单词时不知道如何标注文档。因此,AAL(Anytime Active Learning)策略必须平衡两个相互竞争的目标:(1) 标注一个实例所花费的时间(标注成本);(2) 标注者能够生成标签的可能性(标注响应率)。在本文中,我们提出并评估了多种应用于文档分类领域的随时主动学习策略。在该领域中,自然可以通过仅向标注者展示前 k 个单词来实现这种方法,我们将其称为子实例。
We first conduct user studies to estimate annotation times and response rates, and then create simulated oracles that mimic the human annotators. We perform simulated-oracle experiments on two document classification tasks, comparing two classes of anytime active learning strategies: (1) static strategies select sub instances of a fixed size; (2) dynamic strategies select sub instances of varying sizes, optimizing cost and response rate simultaneously. Our research questions and answers are as follows:
我们首先进行用户研究以估计标注时间和响应率,然后创建模拟标注器来模仿人类标注者。我们在两个文档分类任务上进行了模拟标注器实验,比较了两类随时主动学习策略:(1) 静态策略选择固定大小的子实例;(2) 动态策略选择不同大小的子实例,同时优化成本和响应率。我们的研究问题和答案如下:
RQ1. How does sub instance size affect human annotation time and response rate? We conducted a user study in which each user labeled 480 documents from two domains under different interruption conditions (e.g., seeing only the first k words). We find that as sub instance sizes increase, both response rates and annotation times increase (non-linearly), and that the rate of increase varies by dataset. RQ2. How do static AAL strategies compare with traditional active learning? We find that simple static strategies result in significantly more efficient learning, even with few words shown per document. For example, with an annotation budget of one hour, labeling only the first 25 words of each document reduces classification error by 17 compared with labeling the first 100 words of each document.
RQ1. 子实例大小如何影响人工标注时间和响应率?我们进行了一项用户研究,其中每个用户在不同中断条件下(例如,仅看到前 k 个词)标注了来自两个领域的 480 份文档。我们发现,随着子实例大小的增加,响应率和标注时间都会增加(非线性),并且增加的速度因数据集而异。
RQ2. 静态 AAL 策略与传统主动学习相比如何?我们发现,即使每份文档只显示少量词语,简单的静态策略也能显著提高学习效率。例如,在标注预算为一小时的情况下,仅标注每份文档的前 25 个词比标注每份文档的前 100 个词能将分类错误减少 17。
RQ3. How do dynamic AAL strategies compare with static strategies? The drawback of the static strategy is that we must select a sub instance size ahead of time; however, we find that the optimal size varies by dataset. Instead, we formulate a dynamic AAL algorithm to minimize cost while maximizing response rates. We find that this dynamic approach performs as well or better than the best static strategy, without the need for additional tuning.
RQ3. 动态 AAL 策略与静态策略相比如何?静态策略的缺点是我们必须提前选择一个子实例大小;然而,我们发现最佳大小因数据集而异。相反,我们制定了一种动态 AAL 算法,以在最大化响应率的同时最小化成本。我们发现,这种动态方法与最佳静态策略表现相当或更好,且无需额外调整。
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: we first formalize the anytime active learning problem, then propose static and dynamic solutions. Next, we describe our user studies and how they are used to inform our simulation experiments. Finally, we present the empirical results and discuss their implications.
Anytime Active Learning (AAL)
随时主动学习 (Anytime Active Learning, AAL)
In this section, we first review standard active learning and then formulate our proposed anytime extension.
在本节中,我们首先回顾标准的主动学习 (active learning),然后阐述我们提出的随时扩展 (anytime extension)。
Problem Formulation
Let $\mathcal{L}={(\mathbf{x}{i},y{i})}_{i=1}^{l}bealabeleddatasetwhere\mathbf{x}_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^{d}isad−dimensionalfeaturevectorandy_{i}\in{y^{0},y^{1}}isitsclasslabel.1Let\mathcal{U}={\mathbf{x}_{i}}_{i=l+1}^{m}beasetofunlabeledexamples.LetP_{\mathcal{L}}(y|\mathbf{x})betheconditionalprobabilityofygiven\mathbf{x}accordingtoaclassifiertrainedon\mathcal{L}$ .
设 $\mathcal{L}={(\mathbf{x}{i},y{i})}_{i=1}^{l}为一个带标签的数据集,其中\mathbf{x}_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^{d}是一个d维特征向量,y_{i}\in{y^{0},y^{1}}是其类别标签。设\mathcal{U}={\mathbf{x}_{i}}_{i=l+1}^{m}为一组未标记的样本。设P_{\mathcal{L}}(y|\mathbf{x})为根据在\mathcal{L}上训练的分类器得到的给定\mathbf{x}时y$ 的条件概率。
Typical pool-based active learning selects instances ${{\mathcal{U}}^{}}\subseteq\mathcal{U}tobelabeledbyahumanannotator(oracle)andappendedto\mathcal{L}.AssumingaprespecifiedannotationbudgetBandanannotationcostfunctionC(\mathbf{x}),thegoaloftheactivelearningalgorithm(student)istoselect\mathcal{U}^{}$ to minimize the classifier’s generalization error subject to the budget constraints:
典型的基于池的主动学习选择实例 ${{\mathcal{U}}^{}}\subseteq\mathcal{U}由人类标注者(oracle)进行标注,并将其附加到\mathcal{L}中。假设预定义的标注预算为B,标注成本函数为C(\mathbf{x}),主动学习算法(student)的目标是在预算约束下选择\mathcal{U}^{}$ 以最小化分类器的泛化误差:
Equation 1 is typically optimized by greedy algorithms, selecting one or more examples at a time according to some heuristic criterion that estimates the utility of each labeled example. A common approach is to request a label for the unlabeled instance that maximizes benefit-cost ratio: $\mathbf{x}{i}^{}\gets\begin{array}{r}{\operatorname{max}{\mathbf{x}{i}\in\mathcal{U}}\frac{U(\mathbf{x}{i})}{C(\mathbf{x}_{i})}}\end{array}$
公式 1 通常通过贪心算法进行优化,根据某些启发式准则一次选择一个或多个样本,这些准则用于估计每个已标注样本的效用。常见的方法是请求对未标注实例进行标注,以最大化效益成本比:$\mathbf{x}{i}^{}\gets\begin{array}{r}{\operatorname{max}{\mathbf{x}{i}\in\mathcal{U}}\frac{U(\mathbf{x}{i})}{C(\mathbf{x}_{i})}}\end{array}$
Various definitions of utility U(⋅) are used in the literature, such as expected error reduction (Roy and McCallum 2001) and classifier uncertainty (Lewis and Gale 1994).
文献中使用了多种效用 U(⋅) 的定义,例如预期误差减少 (Roy and McCallum 2001) 和分类器不确定性 (Lewis and Gale 1994)。
We propose an alternative formulation of the active learning problem in which the student has the added capability of interrupting the human oracle to request a label while the annotation of xi is being performed. For example, in video classification, the student may request a label after the oracle has spent only one minute watching the video. Similarly, in document classification the student may request a label after the oracle has read only the first ten words of a document.
我们提出了一种主动学习问题的替代公式,其中学生具备在标注 xi 时打断人类标注者以请求标签的额外能力。例如,在视频分类中,学生可能在标注者仅观看视频一分钟后就请求标签。同样,在文档分类中,学生可能在标注者仅阅读文档的前十个单词后就请求标签。
Let $\mathbf{x}{i}^{k}indicatethisabbreviatedinstance,whichwecallasubinstance.Thenatureofsubinstanceswillvarybydomain.Forexample,kcouldindicatethetimeallottedtoinspecttheinstance.Inthispaper,wefocusondocumentclassification,whereitisnaturaltolet\mathbf{x}{i}^{k}bethefirstkwordsofdocument\mathbf{x}_{i}$ .
令 $\mathbf{x}{i}^{k}表示这个简化的实例,我们称之为子实例。子实例的性质会因领域而异。例如,k可以表示检查实例所分配的时间。在本文中,我们专注于文档分类,其中自然地让\mathbf{x}{i}^{k}表示文档\mathbf{x}_{i}的前k$ 个词。
The potential savings from this approach arises from the assumption that $C(\mathbf{x}{i}^{k})<C(\mathbf{x}{i})$ ; that is, sub instances are less costly to label than instances. While the magnitude of these savings are data-dependent, our user studies below show substantial savings for document classification.
这种方法潜在的节省来自于假设 $C(\mathbf{x}{i}^{k})<C(\mathbf{x}{i})$ ;也就是说,子实例的标注成本低于实例。虽然这些节省的幅度取决于数据,但我们下面的用户研究表明,在文档分类中可以节省大量成本。
The immediate problem with this approach is that $\mathbf{x}{i}^{k}maybeconsiderablymoredifficultfortheoracletolabel.Wethereforemustaccountforimperfectoracles(DonmezandCarbonell2008;Yanetal.2011).Thereareatleasttwoscenariostoconsider—(1)anoisyoracleproducesalabelforany\mathbf{x}{i}^{k}$ , but that label may be incorrect; (2) a reluctant oracle may decide not to produce a label for some examples, but labels that are produced are assumed to be correct. Our user studies below suggests that the latter case is more common; thus, in this paper, we restrict our attention to reluctant oracles, leaving noisy oracles for future work.
这种方法的一个直接问题是,$\mathbf{x}{i}^{k}可能对预言机来说更难标注。因此,我们必须考虑不完美的预言机(DonmezandCarbonell2008;Yanetal.2011)。至少有两种情况需要考虑:(1)一个嘈杂的预言机会为任何\mathbf{x}{i}^{k}$ 生成一个标签,但该标签可能是错误的;(2) 一个犹豫的预言机可能会决定不为某些样本生成标签,但生成的标签被认为是正确的。我们下面的用户研究表明,后一种情况更为常见;因此,在本文中,我们将注意力限制在犹豫的预言机上,将嘈杂的预言机留给未来的工作。
In each interaction between the student and oracle, the student presents a sub instance $\mathbf{x}{i}^{k}totheoracle,andtheoraclereturnsananswera\in{y^{0},y^{1},n},wheretheanswercanbeeitherthecorrectlabelyorneutral,n,whichrepresentsan“Idon′tknow”answer.Iftheoraclereturnsanon−neutralanswerafor\mathbf{x}{i}^{k},thestudentadds\mathbf{x}{i}andthereturnedlabel\overset{\cdot}{y}^{0}ory^{1}.)toitstrainingdataandupdatesitsclassifier.Ifnisreturned,thelabeleddataisunchanged.Ineithercase,theannotationcostC(\mathbf{x}{i}^{k})isdeductedfromthestudent′sbudgetbecausetheoraclespendstimeinspecting\mathbf{x}_{i}^{k}$ even if she returns a neutral label. To choose the optimal sub instance, the student must consider both the cost of the sub instance as well as the likelihood that a non-neutral label will be returned. Below, we propose two AAL strategies.
在学生与预言机(oracle)的每次交互中,学生向预言机提交一个子实例 $\mathbf{x}{i}^{k},预言机返回一个答案a\in{y^{0},y^{1},n},其中答案可以是正确的标签y或中性标签n,后者表示“我不知道”的答案。如果预言机为\mathbf{x}{i}^{k}返回一个非中性答案a,学生将\mathbf{x}{i}和返回的标签\overset{\cdot}{y}^{0}或y^{1}添加到其训练数据中,并更新其分类器。如果返回的是n,则标注数据保持不变。无论哪种情况,标注成本C(\mathbf{x}{i}^{k})都会从学生的预算中扣除,因为即使预言机返回中性标签,她也会花费时间检查\mathbf{x}_{i}^{k}$。为了选择最优的子实例,学生必须同时考虑子实例的成本以及返回非中性标签的可能性。接下来,我们提出了两种主动学习(AAL)策略。
Static AAL Strategies
We first consider a simple, static approach to AAL that decides a priori on a fixed sub instance size k . For example, the student fixes k=10 and presents the oracle sub instances x10i (please see Algorithm 1).
Let Uk=xkimi=l+1 be the set of all unlabeled subinstances of fixed size k . In SELECT SUB INSTANCE (line 3), the student picks xk∗i as follows:
设 Uk=xkimi=l+1 为固定大小 k 的所有未标记子实例的集合。在 SELECT SUB INSTANCE (第 3 行) 中,学生选择 xk∗i 如下:
Note that the utility is computed from the full instance $\mathbf{x}{i},notthesubinstance,since\mathbf{x}{i}willbeaddedtoourlabeledset(line8).Inourexperiments,weconsidertwoutilityfunctions:uncertainty(\mathtt{s t a t i c-k-u n c}),whichsetsU\bar{(}\mathbf{x}{i}^{k})=1-\operatorname*{max}{y}P_{\mathcal{L}}(\dot{y}|\mathbf{x}{i}),andconstant(s\mathtt{t a t i c-k-c o n s t}),whichsetstheutilityofeachsubinstancetoone,U(\mathbf{x}{i}^{k})=1$ . We use static-k-const as a baseline for other AAL methods because it is an anytime version of random sampling.
请注意,效用是从完整实例 $\mathbf{x}{i}计算的,而不是子实例,因为\mathbf{x}{i}将被添加到我们的标记集中(第8行)。在我们的实验中,我们考虑了两个效用函数:不确定性(\mathtt{s t a t i c-k-u n c}),它设置U\bar{(}\mathbf{x}{i}^{k})=1-\operatorname*{max}{y}P_{\mathcal{L}}(\dot{y}|\mathbf{x}{i}),以及常数(s\mathtt{t a t i c-k-c o n s t}),它将每个子实例的效用设置为1,U(\mathbf{x}{i}^{k})=1$ 。我们使用 static-k-const 作为其他 AAL 方法的基线,因为它是随机采样的随时版本。
Algorithm 1 Static Anytime Active Learning
算法 1 静态随时主动学习
| | 1: 输入:已标注数据 L;未标注数据 U;预算 B:分类器 P(y|x);子实例大小 k |
| | 2: while B > 0 do |
| 3: | x ← SELECTSUBINSTANCE(U, k) |
| 4: | u ← u \ {xi} |
| 5: | α ← QUERYORACLE(x) |
| 6: 7: | B ← B - C(x) if α then // 非中性响应 |
| 8: | C ← L ∪ (xi, α) |
| 9: | P(y|X) ← UPDATECLASSIFIER(C, P) |
Algorithm 2 Dynamic Anytime Active Learning
算法 2: 动态随时主动学习
1: 输入:标注数据 L;未标注数据 U;预算 B:中性标注数据 L²←0。
2: while B > 0 do
3: 分类器 P(y|x);中性分类器 Q(z|x);中性 x ← SELECTSUBINSTANCE(U)
Table 1: User study results reporting average annotation time in seconds and percent of neutral labels by sub instance size.
表 1: 用户研究结果,报告了按子实例大小划分的平均注释时间(秒)和中性标签的百分比。
大小 | IMDB 时间 (秒) | SRAA 时间 (秒) | IMDB 中性标签百分比 (%) | SRAA 中性标签百分比 (%) |
10 | 5.7 | 5.2 | 53 | 50 |
25 | 8.2 | 6.5 | 33 | 38 |
50 | 10.9 | 7.6 | 24 | 42 |
75 | 15.9 | 9.1 | 12 | 22 |
100 | 16.7 | 10.3 | 13 | 13 |
used to train the neutrality classifier Q(z|xik) (line 11). Algorithm 2 outlines this approach, where ISNEUTRAL maps the oracle answer to z (i.e., n or ¬n ). As in the static strategy, we consider two settings of the utility function: uncertainty (dynamic-unc) and constant (dynamic-const). While both dynamic-unc and dynamic-const consider the cost of annotation, dynamic-unc balances utility with the chance of receiving a non-neutral label, while dynamic-const simply maximizes the chance of a nonneutral label.
用于训练中立分类器 Q(z|xik) (第 11 行)。算法 2 概述了这种方法,其中 ISNEUTRAL 将预言机答案映射到 z (即 n 或 ¬n )。与静态策略一样,我们考虑了效用函数的两种设置:不确定性 (dynamic-unc) 和常数 (dynamic-const)。虽然 dynamic-unc 和 dynamic-const 都考虑了标注成本,但 dynamic-unc 在效用与获得非中性标签的机会之间进行权衡,而 dynamic-const 则简单地最大化非中性标签的机会。
Experimental Evaluation
Our experiments use two datasets: (1) IMDB: A collection of 50K reviews from labeled with positive or negative sentiment (Maas et al. 2011); (2) SRAA: A collection of 73K Usenet articles labeled as related to aviation or auto documents (Nigam et al. 1998).
我们的实验使用了两个数据集:(1) IMDB:来自 的 50K 条评论,标注为正面或负面情感 (Maas et al. 2011);(2) SRAA:包含 73K 篇 Usenet 文章,标注为与航空或汽车文档相关 (Nigam et al. 1998)。
Dynamic AAL Strategies
The static strategy ignores the impact that k has on the likelihood of obtaining a neutral label from the oracle. In this section, we propose a dynamic strategy that models this probability directly and uses it to guide sub instance selection (see Algorithm 2).
静态策略忽略了 k 对从预言机获取中性标签可能性的影响。在本节中,我们提出了一种动态策略,直接建模这一概率,并利用它来指导子实例选择(见算法 2)。
Let $Q(z|\mathbf{x}{i}^{k})betheprobabilitydistributionthatmodelswhethertheoraclewillreturnan“Idon′tknow”answer(i.e.aneutrallabel)forthesubinstance\mathbf{x}{i}^{k},wherez\in{n,\neg n}.TheobjectiveofSELECTSUBINSTANCE(line3)istoselectthesubinstancethatmaximizesutilityandtheprobabilityofobtaininganon−neutrallabel,\neg n$ , while minimizing cost.
设 $Q(z|\mathbf{x}{i}^{k})为建模预言机是否会对子实例\mathbf{x}{i}^{k}返回“我不知道”答案(即中性标签)的概率分布,其中z\in{n,\neg n}。SELECTSUBINSTANCE(第3行)的目标是选择能够最大化效用和获得非中性标签\neg n$ 的概率,同时最小化成本的子实例。
In contrast to the static approach, the dynamic algorithm searches over an expanded set of p different sub instance sizes: S=Uk1…˙Ukp .
与静态方法不同,动态算法在扩展的 p 个不同子实例大小集合 S=Uk1…˙Ukp 上进行搜索。
The immediate question is how to estimate $Q(z|\mathbf{x}{k}^{i}).Weproposeasupervisedlearningapproachusingthepreviousinteractionswiththeoracleaslabeledexamples.Thatis,wemaintainanauxiliarybinarylabeleddataset\mathcal{L}^{z}containing(\mathbf{x}{i}^{k},z_{i})pairs(line10),indicatingwhethersubinstance\mathbf{x}_{i}^{k}$ received a neutral label or not.2 This dataset is
当前的问题是,如何估计 $Q(z|\mathbf{x}{k}^{i})。我们提出了一种监督学习方法,利用与预言机(oracle)的先前交互作为标注示例。也就是说,我们维护一个辅助的二元标注数据集\mathcal{L}^{z},其中包含(\mathbf{x}{i}^{k},z_{i})对(第10行),表示子实例\mathbf{x}_{i}^{k}$ 是否收到了中性标签。
User Studies
To estimate the real-world relationships among sub instance size, annotation time, and response rate, we first performed several user studies in which subjects were shown document sub instances of varying sizes and asked to provide a correct label or an “I don’t know” answer (i.e., a neutral label).
Each user performed six classification tasks per dataset, labeling document sub instances of sizes 10,25,50,75,100,All . For example, to create the 50-word task, we truncated the documents to the first 50 words. For each classification task, the users were asked to annotate 20 randomly-chosen documents from each class, resulting in 40 annotations per task. The documents were presented to the users in random order. For every sub instance, we recorded the annotation time, the number of words seen, and the label. We used the average over five users on the IMDB and three users on the SRAA data.
每个用户在每个数据集上执行六项分类任务,标注大小为 10,25,50,75,100,All 的文档子实例。例如,为了创建 50 个单词的任务,我们将文档截断为前 50 个单词。对于每个分类任务,用户被要求为每个类别的 20 个随机选择的文档进行标注,每项任务共产生 40 个标注。文档以随机顺序呈现给用户。对于每个子实例,我们记录了标注时间、看到的单词数量和标签。我们在 IMDB 数据集上使用了五名用户的平均值,在 SRAA 数据集上使用了三名用户的平均值。
Table 1 shows the average annotation time (in seconds) and average percentage of neutral labels returned for each sub instance size. We find that the annotation time varies by sub instance size and dataset. For instance, in IMDB annotation time of sub instances of size 50 is 25 greater than for sub instances of size 25. These responses are influenced by the user experience and domain knowledge familiarity, among other factors.
表 1 展示了每个子实例大小的平均标注时间(以秒为单位)和返回的中性标签的平均百分比。我们发现标注时间因子实例大小和数据集而异。例如,在 IMDB 数据集中,大小为 50 的子实例的标注时间比大小为 25 的子实例多 25。这些响应受到用户体验和领域知识熟悉度等因素的影响。
Intuitively, the annotator will be more likely to provide a non-neutral label when he can see more of a document. This intuition was confirmed by our user studies. Table 1 shows that the percentage of neutral labels decreases as sub instance size increases. However, the rate at which the neutral answer decreases differs by dataset. For example, there was approximately a 50 neutral rate on both datasets for sub instances with 10 words; yet for 75 words the neutral responses were 12 on IMDB and 22 on SRAA. We speculate that the SRAA dataset is a more specialized domain, whereas classifying movie reviews (IMDB) is easier for non-expert human annotators.
直觉上,当标注者能看到文档的更多内容时,他们更有可能提供非中立的标签。我们的用户研究证实了这一直觉。表 1 显示,随着子实例大小的增加,中立标签的百分比下降。然而,中立答案下降的速度因数据集而异。例如,对于包含 10 个单词的子实例,两个数据集的中立率约为 50;而对于 75 个单词的子实例,IMDB 的中立响应率为 12,SRAA 的中立响应率为 22。我们推测 SRAA 数据集是一个更专业的领域,而对电影评论(IMDB)进行分类对于非专业的人类标注者来说更容易。
We use the results of the user study to inform our large-scale studies on the two datasets.
Oracle In order to compare many AAL strategies at scale, it is necessary to simulate the actions of the human annotators. Specifically, we must simulate for which examples the annotator will return a neutral label. We wanted to better reflect the fact that the lexical content of each sub instance influences its neutrality instead of random neutrality — e.g., if a sub instance has strong sentiment words it is not likely to be labeled neutral. To accomplish this, we trained two oracles (one per dataset) that mimic the human annotators. We simulated the oracle with a classifier trained on held-out data; a neutral label is returned when the class posterior probability for a sub instance xki is below a specified threshold. We tune this classifier so that the pattern of neutral labels matches that observed in the user study.
为了大规模比较多种主动学习策略,有必要模拟人类标注者的行为。具体来说,我们必须模拟标注者在哪些示例上会返回中性标签。我们希望更好地反映每个子实例的词汇内容对其中立性的影响,而不是随机中立性——例如,如果一个子实例包含强烈的情感词汇,它不太可能被标记为中性。为了实现这一点,我们训练了两个模拟人类标注者的oracle(每个数据集一个)。我们通过在保留数据上训练的分类器来模拟oracle;当子实例 xki 的类别后验概率低于指定阈值时,返回中性标签。我们调整这个分类器,以使中性标签的模式与用户研究中观察到的模式相匹配。
At the start of each experiment we fit a logistic regression classifier on a held-out labeled dataset (25K examples for IMDB; 36K for SRAA). We use L1 regular iz ation controlled by penalty C to encourage sparsity. When the oracle is asked to label a sub instance $\mathbf{x}{i}^{k},wecomputetheposteriorprobabilitywithrespecttothisclassifierandcomputeoracle′suncertaintyon\mathbf{\dot{x}}{i}^{k}as1-\operatorname*{max}{y}P(y|\mathbf x{i}^{k}).IftheuncertaintyisgreaterthanaspecifiedthresholdT$ , then the oracle returns a neutral label. Otherwise, the true label is returned.