[论文翻译]通过非实验性深度学习实现 0.8% 奈奎斯特计算鬼成像


0.8% Nyquist computational ghost imaging via non-experimental deep learning

通过非实验性深度学习实现 0.8% 奈奎斯特计算鬼成像

We present a framework for computational ghost imaging based on deep learning and customized pink noise speckle patterns. The deep neural network in this work, which can learn the sensing model and enhance image reconstruction quality, is trained merely by simulation. To demonstrate the subNyquist level in our work, the conventional computational ghost imaging results, reconstructed imaging results using white noise and pink noise via deep learning are compared under multiple sampling rates at different noise conditions. We show that the proposed scheme can provide highquality images with a sampling rate of 0.8 even when the object is outside the training dataset, and it is robust to noisy environments. This method is excellent for various applications, particularly those that require a low sampling rate, fast reconstruction efficiency, or experience strong noise interference.

我们提出了一种基于深度学习和定制粉红噪声散斑图案的计算鬼成像框架。本工作中的深度神经网络可以通过模拟训练学习感知模型并提高图像重建质量。为了展示我们工作中的亚奈奎斯特水平,我们在不同噪声条件下比较了传统计算鬼成像结果、使用白噪声和粉红噪声通过深度学习重建的成像结果。我们表明,即使目标不在训练数据集中,所提出的方案也能在采样率为 0.8 时提供高质量图像,并且对噪声环境具有鲁棒性。该方法适用于各种应用,特别是那些需要低采样率、快速重建效率或经历强噪声干扰的应用。


I. 引言

Ghost imaging (GI) [1–4] is an innovative method for measuring the spatial correlations between light beams. With GI, the signal light field interacts with the object and is collected by a single-pixel detector, and the reference light field, which does not interact with the object, falls onto the imaging detector. Therefore, the image information is not present in either beam alone but only revealed in their correlations. Computational ghost imaging (CGI) [5, 6] was proposed to further ameliorate and simplify this framework. In CGI, The reference arm that records the speckles is replaced by loading pre-generated patterns directly onto the spatial light modulator or the digital micro mirror device (DMD). The unconventional image is then revealed by correlating the sequentially recorded intensities at the single-pixel detector with the corresponding patterns. CGI finds a lot of applications such as wide spectrum imaging [7–9], remote sensing [10], and quantum-secured imaging [11].

鬼成像 (Ghost Imaging, GI) [1–4] 是一种用于测量光束之间空间相关性的创新方法。在鬼成像中,信号光场与物体相互作用并被单像素探测器收集,而参考光场不与物体相互作用,直接落在成像探测器上。因此,图像信息并不单独存在于任一光束中,而是通过它们之间的相关性显现出来。计算鬼成像 (Computational Ghost Imaging, CGI) [5, 6] 被提出以进一步改进和简化这一框架。在计算鬼成像中,记录散斑的参考臂被替换为直接将预生成的图案加载到空间光调制器或数字微镜器件 (DMD) 上。然后,通过将单像素探测器上顺序记录的强度与相应的图案相关联,揭示出非常规图像。计算鬼成像在广谱成像 [7–9]、遥感 [10] 和量子安全成像 [11] 等领域有广泛应用。

However, CGI generally requires a large number of samplings to reconstruct a high-quality image, or the signal would have been submerged under correlation fluctuations and environmental noise. To suppress the environmental noise and correlation fluctuations, the required minimum number of sampling is proportional to the total pixel number of the pattern applied on DMD, i.e., the Nyquist sampling limit [12, 13]. The image could have a meager quality with a limited sampling number. This demanding requirement hindered CGI from fully replacing conventional photography. A large number of schemes have been proposed to improve CGI’s speed and decrease the sampling rate (sub-Nyquist). For instance, compressive sensing imaging can reconstruct images with a relatively low sampling rate by exploiting the sparsity of the objects [14–17]. It nevertheless largely depends on the sparsity of objects and is sensitive to noise [18]. Ortho normalized noise patterns can be used to suppress the noise and improve the image’s quality under a limited sampling number [19, 20]. In particular, the ortho normalized colored noise patterns can break the Nyquist limit down to 5 [20]. Fourier and sequence-ordered Walsh-Hadamard patterns, which are orthogonal to each other in time or spatial domain, were also applied to the sub-Nyquist imaging [21–23]. The Russian doll [24] and cake-cutting [25] ordering of Walsh-Hadamard patterns can minimize the sampling ratio to 5%-10% Nyquist limit.

然而,CGI通常需要大量采样才能重建高质量图像,否则信号会被相关性波动和环境噪声淹没。为了抑制环境噪声和相关性波动,所需的最小采样数与应用于DMD的图案的总像素数成正比,即奈奎斯特采样极限 [12, 13]。在采样数有限的情况下,图像质量可能非常差。这一苛刻的要求阻碍了CGI完全取代传统摄影。为了提高CGI的速度并降低采样率(亚奈奎斯特),已经提出了许多方案。例如,压缩感知成像可以通过利用物体的稀疏性以相对较低的采样率重建图像 [14–17]。然而,它在很大程度上依赖于物体的稀疏性,并且对噪声敏感 [18]。正交归一化噪声图案可用于在有限采样数下抑制噪声并提高图像质量 [19, 20]。特别是,正交归一化彩色噪声图案可以将奈奎斯特极限降低到 5 [20]。傅里叶和序列有序的沃尔什-哈达玛图案在时间或空间域中相互正交,也被应用于亚奈奎斯特成像 [21–23]。沃尔什-哈达玛图案的俄罗斯套娃 [24] 和切蛋糕 [25] 排序可以将采样率最小化到5%-10%的奈奎斯特极限。

Recently, the deep learning (DL) technique is employed to identify images [26, 27] and improve the quality of images with the deep neural network (DNN) [28–36]. Specifically, computational ghost imaging via deep learning (CGIDL) has shown a minimum ratio of Nyquist limit down to 5 [29, 33]. However, such work’s DNNs are trained by experimental CGI results. Only when the training environment is highly identical to the environment used for image reconstruction can the DNN be effective. This limits its universal applications and restricts it to achieve quick reconstructions. Usually at least thousands of inputs have to be generated for the training, which would be very time-consuming if conducting experimental training each time. Some studies have been performed to test the effectiveness of non-experimental CGI training DNN, the minimum ratios of the Nyquist limit were up to a few percent [30, 31, 35]. However, the sampling ratio is much higher for objects outside of training dataset than those in the training dataset [33]. Therefore, despite the proliferation of numerous algorithms, retrieving high-quality images outside of the training group with a meager Nyquist limit ratio by non-experimental training remains a challenge for the CGIDL system.

最近,深度学习 (DL) 技术被用于识别图像 [26, 27] 并通过深度神经网络 (DNN) 提高图像质量 [28–36]。具体而言,基于深度学习的计算鬼成像 (CGIDL) 已显示出最低的奈奎斯特极限比率,低至 5 [29, 33]。然而,这些工作的 DNN 是通过实验 CGI 结果进行训练的。只有当训练环境与用于图像重建的环境高度一致时,DNN 才能有效工作。这限制了其通用应用,并限制了其实现快速重建的能力。通常,至少需要生成数千个输入用于训练,如果每次进行实验训练,这将非常耗时。一些研究已经测试了非实验 CGI 训练 DNN 的有效性,奈奎斯特极限的最低比率达到了几个百分点 [30, 31, 35]。然而,对于训练数据集之外的对象,采样比率远高于训练数据集中的对象 [33]。因此,尽管有许多算法涌现,但通过非实验训练在极低的奈奎斯特极限比率下从训练组之外检索高质量图像仍然是 CGIDL 系统的一个挑战。

This letter aims to minimize the necessary sampling number further and improve the imaging quality with the combination of DL and colored noise CGI. Recently, it has been shown that the synthesized colored noise patterns possess unique non-zero correlations between neighborhood pixels via amplitude modulation in the spatial frequency domain [37, 38]. In particular, The pink noise CGI owns positive cross-correlations in the second-order correlation [37]. It gives a good image quality under a boisterous environment or pattern distortion when the traditional CGI method fails. Combining DL with pink noise CGI shows that the imaging can be retrieved under an extremely low sampling rate \mathrm{'\sim0.8%} ). We also show that we can get training patterns from the simulation without introducing the environmental noises, i.e., there is no need to get DNN training with a large number of experimental training inputs. The object used in the experiment can be independent of the training dataset, which can largely benefit CGIDL in the real application.

本信旨在进一步减少必要的采样数量,并通过结合深度学习(DL)和彩色噪声计算鬼成像(CGI)来提高成像质量。最近的研究表明,通过空间频域中的幅度调制,合成的彩色噪声模式在相邻像素之间具有独特的非零相关性 [37, 38]。特别是,粉红噪声 CGI 在二阶相关性中具有正交叉相关性 [37]。在传统 CGI 方法失效的嘈杂环境或模式失真情况下,它提供了良好的图像质量。将 DL 与粉红噪声 CGI 结合表明,可以在极低的采样率下(\mathrm{'\sim0.8%})恢复成像。我们还展示了可以从模拟中获取训练模式,而无需引入环境噪声,即无需通过大量实验训练输入来训练 DNN。实验中使用的对象可以与训练数据集无关,这在实际应用中极大地有利于 CGIDL。


II. 深度学习

FIG. 1: Architecture of DNN. It consists of four convolution layers, one image input layer, one fully connected layer (yellow), the rectified linear unit, and the batch normalization layers (red). In the upper line are CGI results (training inputs) and handwriting ground truths (training labels); In the bottom line are CGI results from the experiment (test inputs) and CGIDL results (test outputs) with block style.

图 1: DNN 架构。它由四个卷积层、一个图像输入层、一个全连接层(黄色)、修正线性单元和批量归一化层(红色)组成。上排是 CGI 结果(训练输入)和手写真实值(训练标签);下排是实验中的 CGI 结果(测试输入)和 CGIDL 结果(测试输出),采用块状风格。

Our DNN model, as shown in Fig. 1, uses four convolution layers, one image input layer, and one fully connected layer. Small 3×3 receptive fields are applied throughout the whole convolution layers for better performance [39]. Batch normalization layers (BNL), rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) layers and zero padding are added between each convolution layer. The BNL is functioned to avoid internal covariate shift during the training process and speed up the training of DNN [40]. The ReLU layer applies a threshold operation to each element of the inputs [41]. The zero padding part was designed to maintain the characteristic of input images’ boundaries. To customize the size of training pictures, both the input and output layers are set to be 54×98 . The solver for training is employed by the Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum Optimizer (SGDMO) to reduce the oscillation via using momentum. The parameter vector can be updated via equation Eq. (1), which demonstrates the updating process during the iteration.

我们的 DNN 模型如图 1 所示,使用了四个卷积层、一个图像输入层和一个全连接层。为了获得更好的性能,整个卷积层都应用了小的 3×3 感受野 [39]。在每个卷积层之间添加了批量归一化层 (BNL)、修正线性单元 (ReLU) 层和零填充。BNL 的作用是避免训练过程中的内部协变量偏移,并加速 DNN 的训练 [40]。ReLU 层对输入的每个元素应用阈值操作 [41]。零填充部分旨在保持输入图像边界的特征。为了自定义训练图片的大小,输入层和输出层都设置为 54×98。训练求解器采用带有动量的随机梯度下降优化器 (SGDMO),通过使用动量来减少振荡。参数向量可以通过公式 Eq. (1) 更新,该公式展示了迭代过程中的更新过程。

where is the iteration number, α is the learning rate, θ is the parameter vector, and E(θ) is the loss function, mean square error (MSE). The MSE is defined as

其中 是迭代次数,α 是学习率,θ 是参数向量,E(θ) 是损失函数,即均方误差 (MSE)。MSE 定义为


Here, G represents the pixel value of the resulted imaging. G(o) represents pixels that the light ought to be transmitted, i.e., the object area, while G(b) represents pixels that the light ought to be blocked, i.e., the background area. X is the ground truth calculated by

这里,G 表示生成图像的像素值。G(o) 表示光线应该透过的像素,即物体区域,而 G(b) 表示光线应该被阻挡的像素,即背景区域。X 是通过计算得到的地面真值。

The third part on the right hand side of the equation is the feature of SGDMO, analog to the momentum where γ determines the contribution of the previous gradient step to the current iteration [42]. Two strategies are applied to avoid over-fitting of training images. At the end of DNN, a dropout layer is applied with probability of dropping out input elements being 0.2, which is aimed to reduce the connection between convolution layers and the fully connected layer [43]. Meanwhile, we adopted a step decay schedule for the learning rate. The learning rate dropped from 103 to 104 after 75 epochs, which constrain the fitting parameters within a reasonable region. Lower the learning rate could avoid over fitting significantly with constant maximum epochs.

方程右侧的第三部分是 SGDMO 的特征,类似于动量,其中 γ 决定了前一个梯度步骤对当前迭代的贡献 [42]。为了避免训练图像的过拟合,采用了两种策略。在 DNN 的末尾,应用了一个 dropout 层,丢弃输入元素的概率为 0.2,旨在减少卷积层和全连接层之间的连接 [43]。同时,我们采用了学习率的步进衰减策略。学习率在 75 个 epoch 后从 103 下降到 104,从而将拟合参数限制在合理范围内。降低学习率可以在保持最大 epoch 不变的情况下显著避免过拟合。

B. Network training

B. 网络训练

The proposed CGIDL scheme requires a training process based on pre-prepared dataset. After training in simulation, it owns ability to reconstruct the images. We use a set of 10000 digits from the MNIST handwritten digit database [44] as training images. All images are resized and normalized to 54×98 to test the smaller sampling ratio. These training images are reconstructed by the CGI algorithm. The training images and reconstruction training images then feed the DNN model as inputs and outputs, respectively, as shown in Fig. 2(a). The white noise and pink noise speckle patterns are used separately for the training process, using exactly the same protocol. The maximum epochs are set as 100, and the training iteration is 31200. The program is implemented via MATLAB R2019a Update 5 (, 64-bit), and the DNN is implemented through DL Toolbox. The GPU-chip NVIDIA GTX1050 is used to accelerate the speed of the computation.

所提出的CGIDL方案需要一个基于预准备数据集的训练过程。在模拟训练后,它具备了重建图像的能力。我们使用MNIST手写数字数据库[44]中的10000个数字作为训练图像。所有图像都被调整大小并归一化为54×98,以测试较小的采样率。这些训练图像通过CGI算法进行重建。训练图像和重建的训练图像分别作为输入和输出馈送到DNN模型中,如图2(a)所示。白噪声和粉红噪声散斑图案分别用于训练过程,使用完全相同的协议。最大训练轮数设置为100,训练迭代次数为31200。程序通过MATLAB R2019a Update 5 (, 64-bit)实现,DNN通过DL Toolbox实现。使用GPU芯片NVIDIA GTX1050来加速计算速度。

The trained DNN is then tested by simulation and used for retrieving CGI results in the experiments. In the testing part, the CGI algorithm generates reconstructed images from testing images with both the MNIST handwritten digits and block style digits, where the later set is different from images in the training group. As shown in Fig. 2(b), the trained DNN, fed with reconstruction testing images, generates CGIDL results. Comparing the difference between CGIDL and testing images, we could measure the quality of the trained DNN. Well-performed DNN can be used for retrieving CGI in the experiment.

训练后的深度神经网络 (DNN) 通过模拟进行测试,并在实验中用于检索计算鬼成像 (CGI) 结果。在测试部分,CGI 算法从测试图像中生成重建图像,这些图像包括 MNIST 手写数字和块状数字,其中后一组图像与训练组中的图像不同。如图 2(b) 所示,训练后的 DNN 在输入重建测试图像后生成 CGIDL 结果。通过比较 CGIDL 和测试图像之间的差异,我们可以评估训练后的 DNN 的质量。表现良好的 DNN 可用于在实验中检索 CGI。

The schematic of the experiment is shown in Fig. 2(c). A CW laser is used to illuminate the DMD, on which the noise patterns are loaded. The pattern generated by the DMD is then projected onto the object. In our experiment, the size of the noise patterns is 216×392 DMD pixels (54 × 98 independent pixels), in which the independent changeable mirrors count for 4×4 pixels. Each DMD pixel is 16μm×16μm in size.

实验示意图如图 2(c) 所示。使用连续波 (CW) 激光器照射 DMD (数字微镜器件),并在其上加载噪声图案。DMD 生成的图案随后投射到物体上。在我们的实验中,噪声图案的大小为 216×392 DMD 像素 (54 × 98 个独立像素),其中独立可变的微镜占 4×4 像素。每个 DMD 像素的大小为 16μm×16μm

In the CGI process, the quality of the images is proportional to the sampling rate, which is the ratio between the number of illumination patterns Npattern and Npixel [45, 46]:

在CGI(计算成像)过程中,图像质量与采样率成正比,采样率是照明模式数量 Npattern 与像素数量 Npixel 的比值 [45, 46]:

FIG. 2: The flow chart of CGIDL consists of three parts: (a) training, (b) test, and (c) experiment. The DNN model is trained with CGI results from database via simulation. The simulation testing process and experimental measuments use both the handwriting digits and block style digits. The experimental part for CGI uses pink noise and white noise speckle patterns, and their CGI results are ameliorated by trained DNN model.

图 2: CGIDL 的流程图由三部分组成:(a) 训练,(b) 测试,和 (c) 实验。DNN 模型通过仿真从数据库中获取的 CGI 结果进行训练。仿真测试过程和实验测量使用了手写数字和块状数字。CGI 的实验部分使用了粉红噪声和白噪声散斑图案,并通过训练后的 DNN 模型对其 CGI 结果进行了改进。

In the following, We compared the trained network using white noise speckle patterns (DL white) and pink noise speckle patterns (DL pink), as well as the conventional CGI (CGI white) in terms of reconstruction performance with respect to the sampling ratio β .

在以下内容中,我们比较了使用白噪声散斑图案 (DL white) 和粉红噪声散斑图案 (DL pink) 训练的网络,以及传统 CGI (CGI white) 在采样比 β 下的重建性能。


III. 模拟

To test the robustness of our method to different datasets, noise, and its performs at different sampling rates, we performed a set of simulations. Two sets of testing images are used in the simulation. One of which is the handwriting digits 1-9 from the training set, the other is the block style digits 1-9, which are completely independent of training images. These images have 28×28 pixels and are resized into 54×98 by widening and amplification. We started our simulation from the comparison of the CGI white, DL white and DL pink without noise at β=5 , as shown in Fig. 3. The upper part is with the handwriting digits 1-9, the lower part is with the block style digits 1-9. Apparently, at this low sampling rate, the traditional CGI method fails to retrieve the images in both cases. On the other hand, both DL methods work much better than the traditional CGI. For digits from the training dataset, both methods work almost equally well. For digits from outside the training dataset, DL pink works already better than DL white. For example, the DL white barely can distinguish digits ’3’ and ’8’, but DL pink can retrieve all the digits images.


In real application, there always exist noise in the measurement. It is therefore worthwhile checking the performances of different methods under the influence of noise. We then performed another set of simulations with added grayscale random noise. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in logarithmic decibel scale is defined as

在实际应用中,测量中总是存在噪声。因此,检查不同方法在噪声影响下的性能是值得的。我们随后进行了另一组添加了灰度随机噪声的模拟。对数分贝尺度的信噪比 (SNR) 定义为

where Ps is the average signal and Pb is the average noise background. Here the SNR is set to be 4.77dB. As shown in Fig. 4, the upper part is the simulation with digits 2, 3, 5, and 6 from the training dataset, and the lower part is the simulation wit