

Accelerating Self-Play Learning in Go

David J. Wu* Jane Street Group

November 10, 2020



By introducing several improvements to the AlphaZero process and architecture, we greatly accelerate self-play learning in Go, achieving a 50x reduction in computation over comparable methods. Like AlphaZero and replications such as ELF OpenGo and Leela Zero, our bot KataGo only learns from neural-net-guided Monte Carlo tree search self-play. But whereas AlphaZero required thousands of TPUs over several days and ELF required thousands of GPUs over two weeks, KataGo surpasses ELF's final model after only 19 days on fewer than 30 GPUs. Much of the speedup involves non-domain-specific improvements that might directly transfer to other problems. Further gains from domain-specific techniques reveal the remaining effciency gap between the best methods and purely general methods such as AlphaZero. Our work is a step towards making learning in state spaces as large as Go possible without large-scale computational resources.

通过引入对 AlphaZero 过程和架构的几项改进,我们大大加速了围棋中的自我对弈学习,相比类似方法计算量减少了 50 倍。与 AlphaZero 以及如 ELF OpenGo 和 Leela Zero 等复现版本一样,我们的机器人 KataGo 仅从由神经网络引导的蒙特卡洛树搜索自我对弈中学习。然而,AlphaZero 需要数千个 TPU 运行数天,而 ELF 需要数千个 GPU 运行两周,KataGo 在不到 30 个 GPU 上仅用 19 天就超过了 ELF 的最终模型。大部分加速涉及非领域特定的改进,这些改进可能直接应用于其他问题。来自领域特定技术的进一步提升揭示了最佳方法与像 AlphaZero 这样的纯通用方法之间的效率差距。我们的工作是朝着在没有大规模计算资源的情况下,在像围棋这样大的状态空间中实现学习迈出的一步。

1 Introduction

1 引言

In 2017, DeepMind's Alpha Go Zero demonstrated that it was possible to achieve superhuman performance in Go without reliance on human strategic knowledge or preexisting data [18]. Subsequently, DeepMind's AlphaZero achieved comparable results in Chess and Shogi. However, the amount of computation required was large, with DeepMind's main reported run for Go using 50o0 TPUs for several days, totaling about 41 TPU-years [17]. Similarly ELF OpenGo, a replication by Facebook, used 2000 V100 GPUs for about 13-14 daysl, or about 74 GPU-years, to reach top levels of performance[19].

2017 年,DeepMind 的 AlphaGo Zero 证明了在不依赖人类战略知识或现有数据的情况下,可以在围棋中实现超人水平的表现 [18]。随后,DeepMind 的 AlphaZero 在国际象棋和将棋中也取得了类似的结果。然而,所需的计算量非常大,DeepMind 报告的围棋主要运行使用了 5000 个 TPU 运行数天,总计约 41 个 TPU 年 [17]。同样地,Facebook 复现的 ELF OpenGo 使用了 2000 个 V100 GPU 运行大约 13-14 天,或约 74 个 GPU 年,以达到顶级性能 [19]。

In this paper, we introduce several new techniques to improve the effciency of self-play learning, while also reviving some pre-AlphaZero ideas in computer Go and newly applying them to the AlphaZero process. Although our bot KataGo uses some domain-specific features and optimization s, it still starts from random play and makes no use of outside strategic knowledge or preexisting data. It surpasses the strength of ELF OpenGo after training on about 27 V100 GPUs for 19 days, a total of about 1.4 GPU-years, or about a factor of 50 reduction. And by a conservative comparison,

在本文中,我们介绍了几种新技术以提高自我对弈学习的效率,同时复兴了一些 AlphaZero 之前的计算机围棋思想,并将其新应用于 AlphaZero 过程。尽管我们的程序 KataGo 使用了一些领域特定的特征和优化,但它仍然从随机对弈开始,不使用任何外部战略知识或现有数据。经过大约 19 天、27 块 V100 GPU 的训练(总计约 1.4 GPU 年),它超越了 ELF OpenGo 的实力,训练成本减少了大约 50 倍。通过保守对比,

KataGo is also at least an order of magnitude more efficient than the multi-year-long online distributed training project Leela Zero [14]. Our code is open-source, and superhuman trained models and data from our main run are available online2.

KataGo 的效率也至少比历时多年的在线分布式训练项目 Leela Zero [14] 高出一个数量级。我们的代码是开源的,超人类训练模型和我们主要运行的数据可在网络上获取2。

We make two main contributions:


First, we present a variety of domain-independent improvements that might directly transfer to other AlphaZero-like learning or to reinforcement learning more generally. These include: (1) a new technique of playout cap random iz ation to improve the balance of data for different targets in the AlphaZero process, (2) a new technique of policy target pruning that improves policy training by decoupling it from exploration in MCTS, (3) the addition of a global-pooling mechanism to the neural net, agreeing with research elsewhere on global context in image tasks such as by Hu et al. (2018) [8], and (4) a revived idea from supervised learning in Go to add auciliary policy targets from future actions tried by Tian and Zhu (2016) [20], which we find transfers easily to self-play and could apply widely to other problems in reinforcement learning.

首先,我们提出了一系列领域无关的改进,这些改进可以直接迁移到其他类似 AlphaZero 的学习系统或更广泛的强化学习中。这些改进包括:(1) 一种新的 rollout cap 随机化技术,以改善 AlphaZero 过程中不同目标的数据平衡性,(2) 一种新的策略目标剪枝技术,通过将策略训练与 MCTS 中的探索解耦来提高策略训练的效果,(3) 在神经网络中引入全局池化机制,这与 Hu 等人 (2018) [8] 在图像任务中的全局上下文研究相一致,(4) 重新引入了 Tian 和 Zhu (2016) [20] 在 Go 的监督学习中提出的辅助策略目标的思想,该思想来自未来尝试的动作,并且我们发现它很容易迁移到自我对弈中,可以广泛应用于其他强化学习问题。

Second, our work serves as a case study that there is still a significant effciency gap between AlphaZero's methods and what is possible from self-play. We find nontrivial further gains from some domain-specific methods. These include auciliary ownership and score targets (similar to those in Wu et al. 2018 [22]) and which actually also suggest a much more general meta-learning heuristic: that predicting sub components of desired targets can greatly improve training. We also find that adding some game-specific input features still significantly improves learning, indicating that though AlphaZero succeeds without them, it is also far from obsoleting them.

其次,我们的工作作为一个案例研究,表明 AlphaZero 的方法与自我对弈所能达到的效果之间仍然存在显著的效率差距。我们发现一些领域特定的方法可以带来非平凡的进一步提升。这些方法包括辅助所有权和得分目标(类似于 Wu 等人 2018 [22] 中的方法),这些方法实际上也暗示了一个更为通用的元学习启发式规则:预测目标的子组件可以大大改善训练效果。我们还发现,添加一些游戏特定的输入特征仍然能显著提高学习效果,这表明尽管 AlphaZero 在没有这些特征的情况下也能成功,但它离使这些特征过时还有很长的路要走。

In Section 2 we summarize our architecture. In Sections 3 and 4 we outline the general techniques of playout cap random iz ation, policy target pruning, global-pooling, and auxiliary policy targets, followed by domain-specific improvements including ownership and score targets and input features. In Section 5 we present our data, including comparison runs showing how these techniques each improve learning and all similarly contribute to the final result.

在第 2 节中我们总结了我们的架构。在第 3 节和第 4 节中,我们概述了播放上限随机化 (playout cap randomization)、策略目标剪枝 (policy target pruning)、全局池化 (global-pooling) 和辅助策略目标 (auxiliary policy targets) 的一般技术,并介绍了领域特定的改进,包括所有权和得分目标以及输入特征。在第 5 节中,我们展示了我们的数据,包括对比运行结果,显示这些技术如何各自改善学习,并且所有技术都对最终结果做出了类似的贡献。

2 Basic Architecture and Parameters

2 基本架构和参数

Although varying in many minor details, KataGo's overall architecture resembles the Alpha Go Zero and AlphaZero architectures [18, 17].

尽管在许多细节上有所不同,KataGo 的整体架构类似于 Alpha Go Zero 和 AlphaZero 的架构 [18, 17]。

KataGo plays games against itself using Monte-Carlo tree search (MCTS) guided by a neural net to generate training data. Search consists of growing a game tree by repeated playouts. Playouts start from the root and descend the tree, at each node $n$ choosing the child $c$ that maximizes:

KataGo 使用蒙特卡洛树搜索 (MCTS) 与自身对弈,通过神经网络引导生成训练数据。搜索过程包括通过重复模拟来扩展游戏树。模拟从根节点开始,沿着树向下进行,在每个节点 $n$ 选择最大化以下公式的子节点 $c$ :


where $V(c)$ is the average predicted utility of all nodes in $c$ 's subtree, $P(c)$ is the policy prior of $c$ from the neural net, $N(c)$ is the number of playouts previously sent through child $c$ , and $c_{\mathrm{PUCT}},=,1.1$ . Upon reaching the end of the tree and finding that the next chosen child is not

其中 $V(c)$ 是节点 $c$ 的子树中所有节点的平均预测效用,$P(c)$ 是来自神经网络的节点 $c$ 的策略先验 (policy prior),$N(c)$ 是之前通过子节点 $c$ 的模拟次数 (playouts),$c_{\mathrm{PUCT}},=,1.1$ 。在到达树的末端并发现下一个选择的子节点不是

allocated, the playout terminates by appending that single child to the tree.?


Like AlphaZero, to aid discovery of unexpected moves, KataGo adds noise to the policy prior at theroot:

像 AlphaZero 一样,为了辅助发现意外的走法,KataGo 在根节点的策略先验中添加了噪声:


where $\eta$ is a draw from a Dirichlet distribution on legal moves with parameter $\alpha=0.03*19^{2}/\mathrm{N}(c)$ where $N$ is the total number of legal moves. This matches AlphaZero's $\alpha,=,0.03$ on the empty $19,\times,19$ Go board while scaling to other sizes. KataGo also applies a softmax temperature at the root of 1.03, an idea to improve policy convergence stability from SAI, another Alpha Go Zero replication [13] .

其中 $\eta$ 是从参数为 $\alpha=0.03*19^{2}/N(c)$ 的 Dirichlet 分布中抽取的合法走法样本,其中 $N$ 是合法走法的总数。这与 AlphaZero 在空的 $19\times19$ 围棋棋盘上的 $\alpha,=,0.03$ 相匹配,并且可以扩展到其他尺寸。KataGo 还在根节点应用了 1.03 的 softmax 温度,这是从 SAI 提出的一个改进策略收敛稳定性的想法,SAI 是另一个 Alpha Go Zero 的复现版本 [13] 。

The neural net guiding search is a convolutional residual net with a pre activation architecture [7], with a trunk of $b$ residual blocks with $c$ channels. Similar to Leela Zero [14], KataGo began with small nets and progressively increased their size, concurrently training the next larger size on the same data and switching when its average loss caught up to the smaller size. In KataGo's main 19-day run, $(b,c)$ began at $(6,96)$ and switched to (10, 128), (15, 192), and (20, 256), at roughly 0.75 days, 1.75 days, and 7.5 days, respectively. The final size matches that of AlphaZero and ELF.

引导搜索的神经网络是一个具有预激活架构 [7] 的卷积残差网络,包含 $b$ 个带有 $c$ 个通道的残差块。类似于 Leela Zero [14],KataGo 从较小的网络开始,并逐步增加其大小,在相同的数据上同时训练下一个更大的网络,并在它的平均损失赶上较小网络时进行切换。在 KataGo 的主要 19 天运行中,$(b, c)$ 从 $(6, 96)$ 开始,并分别在大约 0.75 天、1.75 天和 7.5 天后切换到 (10, 128)、(15, 192) 和 (20, 256)。最终的网络大小与 AlphaZero 和 ELF 相匹配。

The neural net has several output heads. Sampling positions from the self-play games, a policy head predicts probable good moves while a game outcome value head predicts if the game was ultimately won or lost. The loss function is:

神经网络有多个输出头。从自我对弈游戏中采样位置,策略头 (policy head) 预测可能的好走法,而游戏结果值头 (game outcome value head) 预测游戏最终是赢还是输。损失函数为:

The loss function is:


where $r,\in,{\mathrm{win},\mathrm{loss}}$ is the outcome for the current player, $\mathcal{Z}$ is a one-hot encoding of it, $\hat{z}$ is the neural net's prediction of $z$ , $m$ ranges over the set of possible moves, $\pi$ is a target policy distribution derived from the playouts of the MCTS search, $\hat{\pi}$ is the prediction of $\pi$ , $c_{L2}=3\mathrm{e}{-5}$ sets an L2 penalty on the model parameters $\theta$ , and $c_{\mathrm{g}}=1.5$ is a scaling constant. As described in later sections, we also add additional terms corresponding to other heads that predict auxiliary targets.

其中 $r,\in,{\mathrm{win},\mathrm{loss}}$ 是当前玩家的结果,$\mathcal{Z}$ 是它的 one-hot 编码,$\hat{z}$ 是神经网络对 $z$ 的预测,$m$ 遍历所有可能的移动,$\pi$ 是从 MCTS 搜索的模拟中得出的目标策略分布,$\hat{\pi}$ 是对 $\pi$ 的预测,$c_{L2}=3\mathrm{e}{-5}$ 对模型参数 $\theta$ 设置了 L2 正则化惩罚,$c_{\mathrm{g}}=1.5$ 是一个缩放常数。如后文所述,我们还添加了其他预测辅助目标的额外项。

Training uses stochastic gradient descent with a momentum decay of 0.9 and a batch size of 256 (the largest size fitting on one GPU). It uses a fixed per-sample learning rate of 6e-5, except that the first 5 million samples (merely a few percent of the total steps) use a rate of 2e-5 to reduce instability from early large gradients. In KataGo's main run, the per-sample learning rate was also dropped to 6e-6 starting at about 17.5 days to maximize final strength. Samples are drawn uniformly from a growing moving window of the most recent data, with window size beginning at 250,000 samples and increasing to about 22 million by the end of the main run. See Appendix C for details.

训练使用随机梯度下降,动量衰减为 0.9,批量大小为 256(这是适合单个 GPU 的最大大小)。它使用固定的每样本学习率为 6e-5,除了前 500 万个样本(仅占总步数的百分之几)使用 2e-5 的学习率以减少早期大梯度带来的不稳定性。在 KataGo 的主要运行中,每样本学习率也在大约 17.5 天时降至 6e-6 以最大化最终强度。样本从最近数据的移动窗口中均匀抽取,窗口大小从 25 万个样本开始,并在主要运行结束时增加到约 2200 万个样本。详情见附录 C。

Training uses a version of stochastic weight averaging [9]. Every roughly 250,000 training samples, a snapshot of the weights is saved, and every four snapshots, a new candidate neural net is produced by taking an exponential moving average of snapshots with decay = 0.75 (averaging four snapshots of lookback). Candidate nets must pass a gating test by winning at least 100 out of 200 test games against the current net to become the new net for self-play. See Appendix E for details.

训练使用了随机权重平均 (stochastic weight averaging) [9] 的一个版本。每大约 250,000 个训练样本,保存一次权重快照,每四个快照,通过取四个快照的指数移动平均 (衰减 = 0.75) 生成一个新的候选神经网络。候选网络必须通过门控测试,在与当前网络的 200 场测试比赛中至少赢得 100 场,才能成为新的自对弈网络。详情见附录 E。

In total, KataGo's main run lasted for 19 days using a maximum of 28 V100 GPUs at any time (averaging 26-27) and generated about 241 million training samples across 4.2 million games. Selfplay games used Tromp-Taylor rules [21] modified to not require capturing stones within pass-aliveteritory $^4$ .“Ko", “suicide", and “komi” rules also varied from Tromp-Taylor randomly, and some proportion of games were randomly played on smaller boards $^{5}$ . See Appendix D for other details.

总计,KataGo 的主要运行持续了 19 天,最多同时使用了 28 个 V100 GPU(平均 26-27 个),并生成了约 2.41 亿个训练样本,涵盖了 420 万局游戏。自对弈游戏使用了修改后的 Tromp-Taylor 规则 [21],修改内容为不需要在提子时处理“pass-alive territory”$^4$。“打劫”、“自杀”和“贴目”规则也随机不同于 Tromp-Taylor,并且一部分游戏随机在较小的棋盘上进行$^{5}$。其他详细信息请参见附录 D。

3 Major General Improvements

3 重大通用改进

3.1 Playout Cap Random iz ation

3.1 回放上限随机化 (Playout Cap Randomization)

One of the major improvements in KataGo's training proces over AlphaZero is to randomly vary the number of playouts on different turns to relieve a major tension between policy and value training.

KataGo 在训练过程中相对于 AlphaZero 的一个主要改进是随机变化不同回合的模拟次数,以缓解策略和价值训练之间的一个主要矛盾。

In the AlphaZero proces, the game outcome value target is highly data-limited, with only one noisy binary result per entire game. Holding compute fixed, it would likely be beneficial for value training to use only a small number of playouts per turn to generate more games, even if those games are of slightly lower quality. For example, in the first version of AlphaGo, self-play using only a single playout per turn (i.e., directly using the policy) was still of sufficient quality to train a decent value net [16].

在 AlphaZero 过程中,游戏结果值目标高度依赖数据,每局游戏只有一个有噪声的二元结果。在计算资源固定的情况下,对于值训练来说,每回合使用少量的模拟次数来生成更多的游戏可能是有利的,即使这些游戏的质量稍低一些。例如,在第一个版本的 AlphaGo 中,每回合仅使用一次模拟(即直接使用策略)的自我对弈仍然具有足够的质量来训练一个不错的值网络 [16]。

However, informal prior research by Forsten (2019) [6] has suggested that at least in Go, ideal numbers of playouts for policy learning are much larger, not far from AlphaZero's choice of 800 playouts per move [17]. Although the policy gets many samples per game, unless the number of playouts is larger than ideal for value training, the search usually does not deviate much from the policy prior, so the policy does not readily improve.

然而,福尔斯坦 (Forsten) (2019) [6] 的非正式前期研究表明,在 Go 中,策略学习的理想模拟次数要大得多,接近 AlphaZero 每步选择 800 次模拟 [17]。尽管每局游戏为策略提供了大量样本,但如果模拟次数不足以满足价值训练的理想需求,搜索通常不会明显偏离策略先验,因此策略难以显著改进。

We introduce playout cap random iz ation to mitigate this tension. On a small proportion $p$ of turns, we perform a full search, stopping when the tree reaches a cap of $N$ nodes, and for all other turns we perform a fast search with a much smaller cap of $n,<,N$ .Only turns with a full search are recorded for training. For fast searches, we also disable Dirichlet noise and other exp lor at ive settings, maximizing strength. For KataGo's main 19-day run, we chose $p=0.25$ and $(N,n)=(600,100)$ initially, annealing up to (1000, 200) after the first two days of training.

我们引入了播放上限随机化以缓解这种紧张。在一小部分 $p$ 的轮次中,我们执行完整搜索,当树达到 $N$ 个节点的上限时停止;对于所有其他轮次,我们执行快速搜索,其上限为较小的 $n,<,N$ 。只有进行完整搜索的轮次会被记录用于训练。对于快速搜索,我们还禁用了狄利克雷噪声和其他探索性设置,以最大化强度。对于 KataGo 的主要 19 天运行,我们最初选择了 $p=0.25$ 和 $(N,n)=(600,100)$,并在前两天训练后逐渐调整到 (1000, 200)。

Because most moves use a fast search, more games are played, improving value training. But since $n$ is small, fast searches cost only a limited fraction of the computation time, so the drop in the number of good policy samples per computation time is not large. The ablation studies presented in section 5.2 indicate that playout cap random iz ation indeed outperforms a variety of fixed numbers ofplayouts.

因为大多数走法使用快速搜索,所以进行了更多的游戏,从而提高了价值训练的效果。但由于 $n$ 较小,快速搜索只占用了有限的计算时间比例,因此每单位计算时间内良好策略样本数量的减少并不大。第 5.2 节中的消融研究表明,落子上限随机化确实优于多种固定次数的模拟 [20]。

3.2 Forced Playouts and Policy Target Pruning

3.2 强制播放和策略目标剪枝

Like AlphaZero and other implementations such as ELF and Leela Zero, KataGo uses the final root playout distribution from MCTS to produce the policy target for training. However, KataGo does not use the raw distribution. Instead, we introduce policy target pruning, a new method which enables improved exploration via forced playouts.

像 AlphaZero 以及其它实现例如 ELF 和 Leela Zero,KataGo 使用 MCTS 最终根节点的模拟分布来生成训练用的策略目标。然而,KataGo 并不使用原始分布。相反,我们引入了策略目标剪枝 (policy target pruning),这是一种通过强制模拟来改进探索的新方法。

We observed in informal tests that even if a Dirichlet noise move was good, its initial evaluation might be negative, preventing further search and leaving the move undiscovered. Therefore, for eachchild $c$ of the root that has received any playouts, we ensure it receives a minimum number of forced playouts based on the noised policy and the total sum of playouts so far:

我们在非正式测试中观察到,即使狄利克雷噪声移动是好的,其初始评估也可能是负面的,这会阻止进一步搜索并使该移动未被发现。因此,对于根节点的每个子节点 $c$ ,如果它已经收到了任何模拟次数,我们确保它根据噪声策略和迄今为止的总模拟次数获得最少的强制模拟次数:

n_{\mathrm{forced}}(c)=\left(k P(c)\sum_{c^{\prime}}N(c^{\prime})\right)^{1/2}

We do this by setting the MCTS selection urgency PUCT(c) to infinity whenever a child of the root has fewer than this many playouts. The exponent of $1/2,<,1$ ensures that forced playouts scale with search but asymptotically decay to a zero proportion for bad moves, and $k=2$ is large enough to actually force a small percent of playouts in practice.

我们通过将根节点的子节点的 MCTS 选择紧迫性 PUCT(c) 设置为无穷大来实现这一点,只要这些子节点的模拟次数少于指定的数量。指数 $1/2,<,1$ 确保了强制模拟次数随搜索而增加,但对坏招最终衰减到零比例,并且 $k=2$ 足以在实际中强制执行一小部分模拟。

However, the vast majority of the time, noise moves are bad moves, and in AlphaZero since the policy target is the playout distribution, we would train the policy to predict these extra bad playouts. Therefore, we perform a policy target pruning step. In particular, we identify the child $c^{}$ with the most playouts, and then from each other child $c$ , we subtract up to nforced playouts so long as it does not cause $\operatorname{PUCT}(c)>=\operatorname{PUCT}(c^{})$ , holding constant the final utility estimate for both. This subtracts all “extra" playouts that normal PUCT would not have chosen on its own, unless a move was found to be good. Additionally, we outright prune children that are reduced to a single playout. See Figure 1 for a visualization of the effect on the learned policy.

然而,绝大多数情况下,噪声移动是糟糕的移动,在 AlphaZero 中,由于策略目标是模拟分布,我们会训练策略来预测这些额外的糟糕模拟。因此,我们执行一个策略目标修剪步骤。具体来说,我们识别具有最多模拟次数的子节点 $c^{}$ ,然后从每个其他子节点 $c$ 减去最多 nforced 模拟次数,只要这不会导致 $\operatorname{PUCT}(c)>=\operatorname{PUCT}(c^{})$ ,同时保持两者的最终效用估计不变。这减去了所有“额外”的模拟,这些模拟正常的 PUCT 不会自行选择,除非某个移动被发现是好的。此外,我们直接修剪减少到只有一个模拟的子节点。参见图 1 以了解对学习到的策略的影响可视化。

图 1: 策略修剪效果的可视化

Figure 1: Log policy of 10-block nets, white to play. Left: trained with forced playouts and policy target pruning. Right: trained without. Dark/red through bright green ranges from about $p=2\mathrm{e}{-4}$ to $p=1$ . Pruning reduces the policy mass on many bad moves near the edges.

图 1: 10 块网络的日志策略,轮到白方行棋。左:使用强制落子和策略目标剪枝训练。右:未使用剪枝训练。颜色从深红色到亮绿色表示概率从约 p=2e-4 到 p=1 。剪枝减少了边缘附近许多糟糕走法的策略权重。

The critical feature of such pruning is that it allows decoupling the policy target in AlphaZero from the dynamics of MCTS or the use of ec pl or at ive noise. There is no reason to expect the optimal level of playout dispersion in MCTS to also be optimal for the policy target and the long-term convergence of the neural net. Our use of policy target pruning with forced playouts, though an improvement, is only a simple application of this method. We are eager to explore others in the future, including alterations to the PUCT formula itself6.

此类剪枝的关键特性在于它允许将 AlphaZero 中的策略目标与 MCTS 的动态或探索性噪声的使用解耦。没有理由期望 MCTS 中的最佳着法分散程度对于策略目标和神经网络的长期收敛也是最优的。我们使用带有强制着法的策略目标剪枝虽然有所改进,但这只是该方法的一个简单应用。我们渴望在未来探索其他方法,包括对 PUCT 公式本身的修改 [6]。

3.3 Global Pooling

3.3 全局池化

Another improvement in KataGo over earlier work is from adding global pooling layers at various points in the neural network. This enables the convolutional layers to condition on global context, which would be hard or impossible with the limited perceptual radius of convolution alone.

KataGo 相对于早期工作的另一个改进是在神经网络的各个点添加了全局池化层。这使得卷积层能够基于全局上下文进行条件计算,而仅靠卷积有限的感知范围这是难以或无法实现的。

In KataGo, given a set of $c$ channels, a global pooling layer computes (1) the mean of each channel, (2) the mean of each channel scaled linearly with the width of the board, and (3) the maximum of each channel. This produces a total of $3c$ output values. These layers are used in a global pooling bias structure consisting of:

在 KataGo 中,给定一组 $c$ 通道,一个全局池化层计算 (1) 每个通道的平均值,(2) 每个通道的平均值按棋盘宽度线性缩放,和 (3) 每个通道的最大值。这总共产生 $3c$ 个输出值。这些层用于全局池化偏置结构中,该结构由以下部分组成:

图 1: 示例图片说明

Figure 2: Global pooling bias structure, globally aggregating values of one set of channels to bias another set of channels.

图 2: 全局池化偏置结构,全局聚合一组通道的值以偏置另一组通道。

See Figure 2 for a diagram. This structure follows the first convolution layer of two to three of the residual blocks in KataGo's neural nets, and the frst convolution layer in the policy head. It is also used in the value head with a slight further modification. See Appendix A for details.

见图 2: 为一个示意图。此结构遵循 KataGo 的神经网络中前两个到三个残差块的第一个卷积层,以及策略头的第一个卷积层。它也在价值头中使用,略有进一步修改。详情见附录 A。

In Section 5.2 our experiments show that this greatly improves the later stages of training. As Go contains explicit nonlocal tactics ("ko"), this is not surprising. But global context should help even in domains without explicit nonlocal interactions. For example, in a wide variety of strategy games, strong players, when winning, alter their local move preferences to favor “simple"

在第 5.2 节的实验中,我们显示这大大改善了训练的后期阶段。由于 Go 包含显式的非局部战术 (“ko”),这并不令人惊讶。但是全局上下文即使在没有显式非局部交互的领域也应该有所帮助。例如,在各种战略游戏中,当强者获胜时,他们会改变其局部移动偏好以倾向于“简单”

options, whereas when losing they seek “complication". Global pooling allows convolutional nets to internally condition on such global context.


The general idea of using global context is by no means novel to our work. For example, Hu et al. (2018) have introduced a “Squeeze-and-Excitation” architecture to achieve new results in image classification [8]. Although their implementation is different, the fundamental concept is the same. And though not formally published, Squeeze-Excite-like architectures are now in use in some online AlphaZero-related projects [10, 11], and we look forward to exploring it ourselves in future research.

使用全局上下文的总体思路在我们的工作中绝不是新颖的。例如,Hu 等人 (2018) 引入了 “Squeeze-and-Excitation” 架构,在图像分类方面取得了新成果 [8]。尽管他们的实现方式不同,但基本概念是相同的。虽然尚未正式发布,类似 Squeeze-Excite 的架构已经在一些在线 AlphaZero 相关项目中使用 [10, 11],我们期待在未来的研究中自行探索这一领域。

3.4 Auxiliary Policy Targets

3.4 辅助策略目标

As another general iz able improvement over AlphaZero, we add an auxiliary policy target that predicts the opponent's reply on the following turn to improve regular iz ation. This idea is not entirely new, having been found by Tian and Zhu in Facebook's bot Darkforest to improve supervised move prediction [20], but as far as we know, KataGo is the first to apply it to the AlphaZero process.

作为对 AlphaZero 的另一个通用改进,我们添加了一个辅助策略目标,该目标预测对手在下一轮的回应,以改善正则化。这个想法并不完全新颖,Facebook 的 bot Darkforest 由 Tian 和 Zhu 发现可用于改进监督移动预测 [20],但据我们所知,KataGo 是第一个将其应用于 AlphaZero 过程的。

We simply have the policy head output a new channel predicting this target, adding a term to the loss function:



where $\pi_{\mathrm{opp}}$ is the policy target that will be recorded for the turn after the current turn, $\hat{\pi}{\mathrm{opp}}$ is the neural net's prediction of $\pi{\mathrm{opp}}$ ,and $w_{\mathrm{opp}}=0.15$ weights this target only a fraction as much as the actual policy, since it is for regular iz ation only and is never actually used for play.

其中,$\pi_{\mathrm{opp}}$ 是当前轮次之后的轮次将要记录的策略目标,$\hat\pi_{\mathrm{opp}}$ 是神经网络对 $\pi_{\mathrm{opp}}$ 的预测,而 $w_{\mathrm{opp}}=0.15$ 表示这个目标的权重仅为实际策略权重的一部分,因为这只是用于正则化,并从未真正用于游戏。

We find in Section 5.2 that this produces a modest but clear benefit. Moreover, this idea could apply to a wide range of reinforcement-learning tasks. Even in single-agent situations, one could predict one's own future actions, or predict the environment (treating the environment as an “agent"). Along with Section 4.1, it shows how enriching the training data with additional targets is valuable when data is limited or expensive. We believe it deserves attention as a simple and nearly costless method to regularize the AlphaZero process or other broader learning algorithms.

我们在第 5.2 节中发现这会产生适度但明显的好处。此外,这个想法可以应用于广泛的强化学习任务。即使在单个 AI 智能体的情况下,也可以预测自己的未来动作,或者预测环境(将环境视为一个“智能体”)。结合第 4.1 节,它展示了在数据有限或昂贵时,通过增加额外目标来丰富训练数据的价值。我们认为这种方法作为一种简单且几乎无成本的方法来规范 AlphaZero 过程或其他更广泛的学习算法,值得重视。

4 Major Domain-Specific Improvements

4 重大领域特定改进

4.1 Auxiliary Ownership and Score Targets

4.1 辅助所有权和得分目标

One of the major improvements in KataGo's training process over AlphaZero comes from adding auxiliary ownership and score prediction targets. Similar targets were earlier explored in work by Wu et al. (2018) [22] in supervised learning, where the authors found improved mean squared error on human game result prediction and mildly improved the strength of their overall bot, CGI.

KataGo 的训练过程相对于 AlphaZero 的一个主要改进是增加了辅助的所有权和得分预测目标。类似的目标 earlier explored in work by Wu et al. (2018) [22] 在监督学习中进行了探索,作者发现对人类比赛结果预测的均方误差有所改善,并轻微提高了他们整体 bot (CGI) 的强度。

To our knowledge, KataGo is the first to publicly apply such ideas to the reinforcement-learninglike context of self-play training in $\mathrm{Go}^{7}$ . While the targets themselves are game-specific, they also highlight a more general heuristic under emphasized in transfer- and multi-task-learning literature.

据我们所知,KataGo 是第一个公开将此类想法应用于 $\mathrm{Go}^{7}$ 自我对弈训练这种强化学习类上下文的。虽然目标本身是特定于游戏的,但它们也突显了在迁移学习和多任务学习文献中被低估的一种更通用的启发式方法。

As observed earlier, in AlphaZero, learning is highly constrained by data and noise on the game outcome prediction. But although the game outcome is noisy and binary, it is a direct function of finer variables: the final score difference and the ownership of each board location8. Decomposing the game result into these finer variables and predicting them as well should improve regular iz ation.

如前所述,在 AlphaZero 中,学习高度受限于数据和游戏结果预测的噪声。但是,尽管游戏结果是嘈杂且二元的,它是更精细变量的直接函数:最终得分差异和每个棋盘位置的所有权8。将游戏结果分解为这些更精细的变量并同时预测它们应该能改善正则化。

Therefore, we add these outputs and three additional terms to the loss function:


Ownership loss:



where $o(l,p)\in{0,0.5,1}$ indicates if $l$ is finally owned by $p$ , or is shared, $\hat{o}$ is the prediction of $o$ , and $w_{o}=1.5/b^{2}$ where $b\in[9,19]$ is the board width.

其中 $o(l,p) \in {0, 0.5, 1}$ 表示位置 $l$ 最终是否被玩家 $p$ 拥有,或共享,$\hat{o}$ 是 $o$ 的预测值,且 $w_{o} = 1.5 / b^{2}$ ,其中 $b \in [9, 19]$ 是棋盘宽度。

Score belief loss ("pdf"):

得分信念损失 ("pdf"):


where $p_{s}$ is a one-hot encoding of the final score difference, $\hat{p}{s}$ is the prediction of $p{s}$ , and $w_{\mathrm{spdf}}=0.02$

其中,$p_{s}$ 是最终得分差异的 one-hot 编码,$\hat{p}{s}$ 是 $p{s}$ 的预测值,且 $w_{\mathrm{spdf}}=0.02$

Score belief loss ("cdf"):

得分信念损失 ("cdf"):


where $w_{\mathrm{scdf}}=0.02$ . While the “pdf" loss rewards guessing the score exactly, this “cdf" loss pushes the overall mass to be near the final score.

其中 $w_\mathrm{scdf} = 0.02$ 。虽然 “pdf” 损失鼓励精确猜测分数,但这种 “cdf” 损失则推动总体分布接近最终分数。

We show in our ablation runs in Section 5.2 that these auxiliary targets noticeably improve the efficiency of learning. This holds even up through the ends of those runs (though shorter, the runs still reach a strength similar to human-professional), well beyond where the neural net must have already developed a sophisticated judgment of the board.

我们在第 5.2 节的消融实验中显示,这些辅助目标显著提高了学习效率。即使在这些实验的后期(尽管时间较短,但实验结果仍然达到了与人类专业水平相近的程度),神经网络显然已经形成了对棋盘复杂的判断力。

It might be surprising that these targets would continue to help beyond the earliest stages. We offer an intuition: consider the task of updating from a game primarily lost due to misjudging a particular region of the board. With only a final binary result, the neural net can only “guess" at what aspect of the board position caused the loss. By contrast, with an ownership target, the neural net receives direct feedback on which area of the board was mis predicted, with large errors and gradients localized to the mis predicted area. The neural net should therefore require fewer samples to perform the correct credit assignment and update correctly.


As with auxiliary policy targets, these results are consistent with work in transfer and multi-task learning showing that adding targets or tasks can improve performance. But the literature is scarcer in theory on when additional targets may help - see Zhang and Yang (2017) [23] for discussion as well as Bingel and Sogaard (2017) [2] for a study in NLP domains. Our results suggest a heuristic: whenever a desired target can be expressed as a sum, conjunction, or disjunction of separate subevents, or would be highly correlated with such subevents, predicting those subevents is likely to help. This is because such a relation should allow for a specific mechanism: that gradients from a mis predicted sub-event will provide sharper, more localized feedback than from the overall event, improving credit assignment.

这些结果与迁移学习和多任务学习中的研究一致,表明添加目标或任务可以提高性能。但是关于何时额外目标可能有所帮助的理论研究较少 - 请参阅 Zhang 和 Yang (2017) [23] 的讨论,以及 Bingel 和 Sogaard (2017) [2] 在 NLP 领域的研究。我们的结果提出了一种启发式方法:每当所需目标可以表示为多个独立子事件的总和、合取或析取,或者与这些子事件高度相关时,预测这些子事件可能会有所帮助。这是因为这种关系应该允许特定机制:来自错误预测子事件的梯度将提供比整体事件更尖锐、更局部化的反馈,从而改善信用分配。

Figure 3: Visualization of ownership predictions by the trained neural net.

图 3: 训练好的神经网络对所有权预测的可视化。

We are likely not the first to discover such a heuristic. And of course, it may not always be applicable. But we feel it is worth highlighting both for practical use and as an avenue for further research, because when applicable, it is a potential path to study and improve the reliability of multi-task-learning approaches for more general problems.


4.2 Game-specific Features

4.2 游戏特定功能

In addition to raw features indicating the stones on the board, the history, and the rules and komi in effect, KataGo includes a few game-specific higher-level features in the input to its neural net, similar to those in earlier work [4, 3, 12]. These features are liberties, komi parity, pass-alive regions, and features indicating ladders (a particular kind of capture tactic). See Appendix A for details.

除了表示棋盘上棋子、历史记录以及当前规则和贴目 (komi) 的原始特征外,KataGo 在输入其神经网络时还包括了一些特定于围棋的高层次特征,类似于早期的工作 [4, 3, 12]。这些特征包括气 (liberties)、贴目奇偶性 (komi parity)、活棋区域 (pass-alive regions) 以及表示打劫 (ladders) 的特征(一种特定的吃子战术)。详情见附录 A。

Additionally, KataGo uses two minor Go-specific optimization s, where after a certain number of consecutive passes, moves in pass-alive territory are prohibited, and where a tiny bias is added to favor passing when passing and continuing play would lead to identical scores. Both optimization s slightly speed up the end of the game.

此外,KataGo 使用了两个次要的围棋特定优化方法,在连续若干次过(pass)之后,禁止在已确定为活棋的区域内落子,并且加入了一个微小的偏置,以在过和继续下棋会导致相同得分的情况下更倾向于过。这两种优化方法略微加快了游戏结束的速度。

To measure the effect of these game-specific features and optimization s, we include in Section 5.2 an ablation run that disables both ending optimization s and all input features other than the locations of stones, previous move history, and game rules. We find they contribute noticeably to the learning speed, but account for only a small fraction of the total improvement in KataGo.

为了测量这些特定于游戏的特征和优化的效果,我们在第 5.2 节中包含了一个消融实验,该实验禁用了结束优化以及除石头位置、先前移动历史和游戏规则之外的所有输入特征。我们发现它们对学习速度有明显贡献,但仅占KataGo总改进的一小部分。

5 Results

5.1 Testing Versus ELF and Leela Zero

5.1 对战 ELF 和 Leela Zero

We tested KataGo against ELF and Leela Zero 0.17 using their publicly-available source code and trained networks.

我们使用公开可用的源代码和训练网络对 KataGo 进行了测试,测试对象为 ELF 和 Leela Zero 0.17。

We sampled roughly every fifth Leela Zero neural net over its training history from “LZ30" through "LZ225", the last several networks well exceeding even ELF's strength. Between every pair of Leela Zero nets fewer than 35 versions apart, we played about 45 games to establish approximate relative strengths of the Leela Zero nets as a benchmark.

我们大约每隔五个 Leela Zero 神经网络在其训练历史中进行采样,从 “LZ30” 到 “LZ225”,最后几个网络的强度甚至超过了 ELF。对于每对间隔少于 35 个版本的 Leela Zero 网络,我们进行了大约 45 场对局,以建立 Leela Zero 网络之间的相对强度作为基准。

We also sampled KataGo over its training history, for each version playing batches of games versus random Leela Zero nets with frequency proportional to the predicted variance $p(1-p)$ of the game result. The winning chance $p$ was continuously estimated from the global Bayesian maximumlikelihood Elo based on all game results so far9. This ensured that games would be varied yet informative. We also ran ELF's final "V2" neural network using Leela Zero's engine $_{10}$ ,withELF playing against both Leela Zero and KataGo using the same opponent sampling.

我们还根据 KataGo 的训练历史进行了采样,每个版本与随机的 Leela Zero 网络对战一批游戏,频率与预测的游戏结果方差 $p(1-p)$ 成正比。胜率 $p$ 通过迄今为止所有比赛结果的全局贝叶斯最大似然 Elo 进行了连续估计 [9]。这确保了游戏既多样化又有信息量。我们还使用 Leela Zero 的引擎运行了 ELF 的最终“V2”神经网络 [10],ELF 与 Leela Zero 和 KataGo 对战时使用相同的对手采样方法。

Games used a 19x19 board with a fixed 7.5 komi under Tromp-Taylor rules, with a fixed 1600 visits, resignation below 2% winrate, and multithreading disabled. To encourage opening variety, both bots randomized with a temperature of 0.2 in the first 20 turns. Both also used a “lowerconfidence-bound" move selection method to improve match strength [15]. Final Elo ratings were based on the final set of about 21000 games.

游戏使用了 19x19 的棋盘,采用 Tromp-Taylor 规则,固定贴目 7.5,每局固定 1600 次访问,胜率低于 2% 时认输,并且禁用多线程。为了鼓励开局多样性,两个机器人在前 20 步中以温度 0.2 进行随机化。两者还使用了“lowerconfidence-bound”移动选择方法来提高比赛强度 [15]。最终的 Elo 评级基于大约 21000 局游戏的最终结果。

To compare the efficiency of training, we computed a crude indicative metric of total self-play com putation by modeling a neural net with $b$ blocks and $c$ channels as having cost $\sim b c^{2}$ per queryll. For KataGo we just counted self-play queries for each size and multiplied. For ELF, we approximated queries by sampling the average game length from its public training data and multiplied by ELF's 1600 playouts per move, discounting by 20% to roughly acount for transposition caching. For Leela Zero we estimated it similarly, also interpolating costs where data was missingl2. Leela. Zero also generated data using ELF's prototype networks, but we did not attempt to estimate this cost13.

为了比较训练效率,我们计算了一个粗略的指示性指标,即通过建模一个具有 $b$ 个块和 $c$ 个通道的神经网络,其每次查询的成本为 $\sim b c^{2}$,来估算总的自我对弈计算量。对于 KataGo,我们只是统计了每个规模的自我对弈查询并相乘。对于 ELF,我们通过采样其公开训练数据中的平均游戏长度来近似查询次数,并乘以 ELF 每步的 1600 次模拟,再减少 20% 以大致考虑变位缓存的影响。对于 Leela Zero,我们进行了类似的估算,在数据缺失的地方也进行了成本插值。Leela Zero 还使用了 ELF 的原型网络生成了数据,但我们没有尝试估算这部分成本。

KataGo compares highly favorably with both ELF and Leela Zero. Shown in Figure 4 is a plot of Elo ratings versus estimated compute for all three. KataGo outperforms ELF in learning efficiency under this metric by about a factor of 50. Leela Zero appears to outperform ELF as well, but the Elo ratings would be expected to unfairly favor Leela since its final network size is 40 blocks, double

KataGo 与 ELF 和 Leela Zero 相比具有显著优势。图 4 显示了这三者的 Elo 评分与估计计算量的对比图。在此指标下,KataGo 的学习效率比 ELF 高出约 50 倍。Leela Zero 似乎也优于 ELF,但 Elo 评分可能不公平地偏向 Leela,因为其最终网络大小为 40 个块,是 ELF 的两倍。

Figure 4: 1600-visit Elo progression of KataGo (blue, leftmost) vs. Leela Zero (red, center) and ELF (green diamond). X-axis: self-play cost in billions of equivalent 20 block x 256 channel queries. Note the log-scale. Leela Zero's costs are highly approximate.

图 4: KataGo (蓝色,最左侧) 在 1600 次访问中的 Elo 进展与 Leela Zero (红色,中间) 和 ELF (绿色菱形) 的对比。X 轴:以数十亿个等效于 20 层 x 256 通道查询的自我对弈成本表示。注意对数刻度。Leela Zero 的成本是高度估算的。

对战设置 对 ELF 的胜场数 Elo 分差
1600 次模拟,mV 1 不批处理 239 400 69 ± 36
9.0 秒 mv,ELF 批处理大小 16 246 400 81 ± 36
7.5 秒 mv,ELF 批处理大小 32 254 1/4 400 96 ± 37

that of ELF, and the ratings are based on equal search nodes rather than GPU cost. Additionally, Leela Zero's training occurred over multiple years rather than ELF's two weeks, reducing latency and parallel iz ation overhead. Yet KataGo still outperforms Leela Zero by a factor of 10 despite the same network size as ELF and a similarly short training time. Early on, the improvement factor appears larger, but partly this is because the first 10%-15% of Leela Zero's run contained some bugs that slowed learning.

其与 ELF 相同,评级是基于相同的搜索节点而不是 GPU 成本。此外,Leela Zero 的训练历时多年,而 ELF 仅用两周,减少了延迟和平行化开销。尽管 KataGo 与 ELF 拥有相同的网络规模,并且训练时间同样短暂,但 KataGo 的性能仍比 Leela Zero 高出 10 倍。在早期,改进因子看起来更大,但这部分是因为 Leela Zero 的前 10%-15% 的运行中存在一些 bug,减慢了学习速度。

We also ran three 400-game matches on a single V100 GPU against ELF using ELF's native engine. In the frst, both sides used 1600 playouts/move with no batching. In the second, KataGo used 9s/move (16 threads, max batch size 16) and ELF used 16,000 playouts/move (batch size 16), which ELF performs in 9 seconds. In the third, we doubled ELF's batch size, improving its nominal speed to 7.5s/move, and lowered KataGo to 7.5s/move. As summarized in Table 1, in all three matches KataGo defeated ELF, confrming its strength level at both low and high playouts and at both fixed search and fixed wall clock time settings.

我们还在单个 V100 GPU 上与使用 ELF 的原生引擎进行了三场 400 局的比赛。在第一场比赛中,双方每步使用 1600 次模拟且不进行批处理。在第二场比赛中,KataGo 使用 9 秒/步(16 线程,最大批处理大小为 16),而 ELF 使用 16,000 次模拟/步(批处理大小为 16),这在 9 秒内完成。在第三场比赛中,我们将 ELF 的批处理大小加倍,将其名义速度提高到 7.5 秒/步,并将 KataGo 降低到 7.5 秒/步。如表 1 所示,在所有三场比赛中,KataGo 均击败了 ELF,确认了其在低和高模拟次数以及固定搜索时间和固定墙钟时间设置下的强度水平。

5.2 Ablation Runs

5.2 消融实验

To study the impact of the techniques presented in this paper, we ran shorter training runs with various components removed. These ablation runs went for about 2 days each, with identical parameters except for the following differences:


We sampled neural nets from these runs together with KataGo's main run, and evaluated them the same way as when testing against Leela Zero and ELF: playing $19\mathrm{x19}$ games between random versions based on the predicted variance $p(1-p)$ of the result. Final Elos are based on the final set of about 147,000 games (note that these Elos are not directly comparable to those in Section 5.1).

我们从这些运行中以及KataGo的主要运行中采样了神经网络,并以与测试Leela Zero和ELF相同的方式评估它们:在基于预测结果方差 $p(1-p)$ 的随机版本之间进行 $19\times19$ 对局。最终的Elo分数是基于最后大约147,000局游戏的结果(注意,这些Elo分数不能直接与第5.1节中的进行比较)。

Figure 5: KataGo's main run versus Fixed runs. X-axis is the cumulative self-play cost in millions of equivalent 20 block $\mathrm{x256~}$ channel queries.

图 5: KataGo 的主要运行与固定运行的对比。X 轴是累积的自我对弈成本,单位为相当于 20 层 × 256 通道查询的百万次。

As shown in Figure 5, playout cap random iz ation clearly outperforms a wide variety of possible fixed values of playouts. This is precisely what one would expect if the technique relieves the tension between the value and policy targets present for any fixed number of playouts. Interestingly, the

如图 5 所示,落子上限随机化 (playout cap randomization) 明显优于各种可能的固定落子数。这正是人们期望的结果,如果该技术能够缓解任何固定落子数下价值目标和策略目标之间的矛盾。有趣的是,

Figure 5: 落子上限随机化与固定落子数的性能对比

Figure 6: KataGo's main run versus NoGPool, NoForcedTP, NoPAux. X-axis is the cumulative self-play cost in millions of equivalent 20 block $\mathrm{x256~}$ channel queries.

图 6: KataGo 的主要运行与 NoGPool, NoForcedTP, NoPAux 的对比。X 轴是累积的自我对弈成本,以百万个等效于 20 层 × 256 通道查询为单位。

Figure 7: KataGo's main run versus NoVAux, NoGoFeat. X-axis is the cumulative self-play cost in millions of equivalent 20 block $\mathrm{x256~}$ channel queries.

图 7: KataGo 的主要运行与 NoVAux、NoGoFeat 的对比。X 轴是累计自我对弈成本,单位为相当于 20 层 × 256 通道查询的百万次。

600-playout run showed a large jump in strength when increasing neural net size. We suspect this is due to poor convergence from early over fitting not entirely mitigated by doubling the training window.

600 次模拟运行显示,当增加神经网络规模时,性能有了显著提升。我们怀疑这是由于早期过拟合导致的收敛不良,即使将训练窗口翻倍也未能完全缓解这个问题。

As shown in Figure 6, global pooling noticeably improved learning efficiency, and forced playouts with policy target pruning and auxiliary policy targets also provided smaller but clear gains. Inte rest ingly, all three showed little effect early on compared to later in the run. We suspect their relative value continues to increase beyond the two-day mark at which we stopped the ablation runs. These plots suggest that the total value of these general enhancements to self-play learning, along with playout cap random iz ation, is large.

如图 6 所示,全局池化显著提高了学习效率,带有策略目标剪枝和辅助策略目标的强制推演也提供了较小但明显的效果改进。有趣的是,这三种方法在运行初期相比后期表现出的效果较小。我们怀疑它们的相对价值在我们停止消融实验的两天标记之后会继续增加。这些图表表明,这些对自我对弈学习的通用增强方法的总价值,以及推演上限随机化,是巨大的。

As shown in Figure 7, removing auxiliary ownership and score targets resulted in a noticeable drop in learning efficiency. These results confrm the value of these auxiliary targets and the value, at least in Go, of regular iz ation by predicting sub components of targets. Also, we observe a drop in efficiency from removing Go-specific input features and optimization s, demonstrating that there is still significant value in such domain-specific methods, but also accounting for only a part of the total speedup achieved by KataGo.

如图 7 所示,移除辅助所有权和得分目标导致学习效率显著下降。这些结果确认了这些辅助目标的价值,以及至少在 Go 中,通过预测目标的子组件进行正则化的价值。此外,我们观察到移除 Go 特定的输入特征和优化方法后效率下降,这表明此类领域特定方法仍然具有重要价值,但也只解释了 KataGo 实现的总加速的一部分。

See Table 2 for a summary. The product of the acceleration factors shown is approximately 9.1x. We suspect this is an underestimate of the true speedup since several techniques continued to increase in effectiveness as their runs progressed and the ablation runs were shorter than our full run. Some remaining differences with ELF and/or AlphaZero are likely due to infrastructure and implementation. Unfortunately, it was beyond our resources to replicate ELF and/or AlphaZero's infrastructure of thousands of GPUs/TPUs for a precise comparison, or to run more extensive ablation runs each for as long as would be ideal.

见表 2: 总结。所示加速因子的乘积约为 9.1倍。我们怀疑这是对实际加速比的低估,因为一些技术在其运行过程中继续提高效果,而消融实验的运行时间比完整运行时间短。与 ELF 和/或 AlphaZero 的一些剩余差异可能归因于基础设施和实现的不同。遗憾的是,我们的资源无法复制 ELF 和/或 AlphaZero 的数千个 GPU/TPU 基础设施以进行精确比较,也无法运行更长时间的理想消融实验。

移除的组件 Elo 因子
(主运行,基准) Playout Cap Randomization F.P. 和策略目标修剪 全局池化 辅助策略目标 辅助 x 所有者和得分目标 游戏特定特征 1329 1242 1276 1153 1255 1139 1 Opts 1168 1.00x 1.37x 1.25x 1.60x 1.30x 1.65x 1.55x

Table 2: For each technique, the Elo of the ablation run omitting it as of reaching 2.5G equivalent 20b x 256c self-play queries ( $\approx2$ days), and the factor increase in training time to reach that Elo. Factors are app roc i mate and are based on shorter runs.

表 2: 对于每种技术,在达到相当于 2.5G 的 20b x 256c 自我对局查询 (≈2 天) 时,省略该技术的消融运行的 Elo,以及达到该 Elo 所需的训练时间增加倍数。倍数是近似的,基于较短的运行结果。

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