Netflix 推荐系统之个性化主页生成

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As we’ve described in our previous blog posts, at Netflix we use personalization extensively and treat every situation as an opportunity to present the right content to each of our over 57 million members. The main way a member interacts with our recommendations is via the homepage, which they see when they log into Netflix on any supported device. The primary function of the homepage is to help each member easily find something to watch that they will enjoy. A problem we face is that our catalog contains many more videos than can be displayed on a single page and each member comes with their own unique set of interests. Thus, a general algorithmic challenge becomes how to best tailor each member’s homepage to make it relevant, cover their interests and intents, and still allow for exploration of our catalog.


This type of problem is not unique to Netflix, it is faced by others such as news sites, search engines, and online stores. Any site that needs to choose items from a large number of available possibilities and then present them in a coherent and easy-to-navigate manner will face the same general challenges. Of course, the problem of optimizing Netflix homepages has its own unique aspects, ranging from interface constraints to differences with how movies and TV are consumed compared to other media.

An example of a personalized Netflix homepage on our website.Currently, the Netflix homepage on most devices is structured with videos (movies and TV shows) organized into thematically coherent rows presented in a two-dimensional layout. Members can scroll either horizontally on a row to see more videos in that row or vertically to see other rows. Thus, a key part of our personalization approach is how we choose rows to display on the homepage. This involves figuring out how to select the rows most relevant to each member, how to populate those rows with videos, and how to arrange them on the limited page area such that selecting a video to watch is intuitive. In the rest of this post, we will highlight what we think are the most relevant and interesting aspects of this problem and how we can go about solving some of them.


Evolution of our personalization approach.

Why Rows Anyway?

We organize our homepage into a series of rows to make it easy for members to navigate through a large portion of our catalog. By presenting coherent groups of videos in a row, providing a meaningful name for each row, and presenting rows in a useful order, members can quickly decide whether a whole set of videos in a row is likely to contain something that they are interested in watching. This allows members to either dive deeper and look for more videos in the theme or to skip them and look at another row. This would not be the case if, for example, the page contained a large, unorganized collection of relevant videos.



A possible row of titles that might be watched by one of our Netflix original characters.One natural way to group videos is by genre or sub-genre or other video metadata dimensions like release date. Of course, the relationship between videos in a row does not have to be due to metadata alone, but can also be formed from behavioral information (for example from collaborative filtering algorithms), videos we think a member is likely to watch, or even groups of videos watched by a friend. Thus, each row can offer a unique and personalized slice of the catalog for a member to navigate. Part of the challenge and fun of creating a personalized homepage is figuring out new ways to create useful groupings of videos, which we are constantly experimenting with (e.g., rows of titles that might be watched by one of our Netflix original characters shown above).



Process for creating and choosing rows.

Once we have a set of possible video groups to consider for a page, we can begin to assemble the homepage from them. To do this, we start by finding candidate groupings that are likely relevant for a member based on the information we know about them. This also involves coming up with the evidence (or explanations) to support the presentation of a row, for example the movies that the member has previously watched in a genre. Next, we filter each group to handle concerns like maturity rating or to remove some previously watched videos. After filtering, we rank the videos in each group according to a row-appropriate ranking algorithm, which produces an ordering of videos such that the most relevant videos for the member in a group are at the front of the row. From this set of row candidates we can then apply a row selection algorithm to assemble the full page. As the page is assembled, we do additional filtering like deduplication to remove repeat videos and format rows to the appropriate size for the device.


Page-level algorithmic challenge 页面级算法挑战


To algorithmically create a good personalized homepage means assembling one page per member profile and device from thousands of videos that may be relevant for a member and from easily tens of thousands of potential rows, each with a variable number of videos. On top of that, we need to balance several factors that often compete for precious screen real estate. Our approach to personalization and recommendation largely focuses on helping our members find something new to watch, which we call discovery. However, we also want to make it easy for a member to watch the next episode of a show or re-watch something that they watched in the past, which normally falls outside the realm of recommendation. =We want our recommendations to be accurate in that they are relevant to the tastes of our members, but they also need to be diverse so that we can address the spectrum of a member’s interests versus only focusing on one. We want to be able to highlight the depth in the catalog we have in those interests and also the breadth we have across other areas to help our members explore and even find new interests. We want our recommendations to be fresh and responsive to the actions a member takes, such as watching a show, adding to their list, or rating; but we also want some stability so that people are familiar with their homepage and can easily find videos they’ve been recommended in the recent past.= Finally, we need to be able to place task-oriented rows, such as “My List,” in amongst the more discovery-oriented rows.


Each device has different hardware capabilities that can limit the number of videos or rows displayed at any one time and how big the whole page can be. As such, the page generation process must be aware of the constraints of the device for which it is creating the page, including the number of rows, the minimum and maximum length of a row, the size of the visible portion of the page, and whether or not certain rows are required or are not applicable for a certain device.

While there are many challenges to page generation, tackling recommendation problems at this level also opens up new solutions. As mentioned before, selecting a diverse set of items is important in a recommendation system. However, it can be challenging to navigate a diverse ranking since the relevant items may be blended with other items that do not match someone’s current intent. However, by presenting a two-dimensional navigation layout, a member can scroll vertically to easily skip over entire groups of content that may not match their current intent and then find a more relevant set, which they can then scroll horizontally to see more recommendations in that set. This allows for coherent, meaningful individual rows to be selected while maintaining the diversity of the videos shown on the whole page, and thus lets the member have both relevance and diversity.



Building a page algorithmically 通过算法构建页面

There are several approaches for how we can build our homepage algorithmically. The most basic is a rule-based approach, which we used for a long time. Here a set of rules define a template that dictates for all members what types of rows can go in certain positions on the page. For example, the rules could specify that the first row would be Continue Watching (if any), then Top Picks (if any), then Popular on Netflix, then 5 personalized genre rows, and so on. The only personalization in this approach was from selecting candidate rows in a personalized way, such as including“Because you watched” rows for videos someone has watched in the past and genre rows based on known genre preferences. To choose specific rows within each type, simple heuristics and sampling were used. We evolved this template using A/B testing to understand where to place rows for all members.


This approach served us well, but it ignored many aspects we consider important for the quality of the page, such as the quality of the videos in the row, the amount of diversity on the page, the affinity of members for specific kinds of rows, and the quality of the evidence we can surface for each video. It also made it hard to add new types of rows, because for a new row to succeed it would need to not only contain a relevant set of videos in a good order but also be placed appropriately in the template. Because of this, the rules for the template grew over time and became too complex to handle the variety of rows and how they should all be placed, which represented a local optimum for the member experience.


To address these issues, we can instead think of personalizing the ordering of rows on the homepage. The simplest approach for doing this is to treat rows as items in a ranking problem, which we call a row-ranking approach. For this approach, we could leverage a lot of existing recommendation or learning-to-rank approaches by developing a scoring function for rows, applying it to all the candidate rows independently, sorting by that function, and then picking the top ones to fill the page. Even though the space of rows may be relatively big, this type of approach could be relatively fast and may result in reasonable accuracy. However, doing this would lack any notion of diversity, so someone could easily get a page full of slight variations of their interests, such as many rows each with different variants of comedies: late-night, family, romantic, action, etc.


A simple way to add in diversity is to switch from a row-ranking approach to a stage-wise approach using a scoring function that considers both a row as well as its relationship to both the previous rows and the previous videos already chosen for the page. In this case, one can take a simple greedy approach and pick the row that maximizes this function as the next row to use and then re-score all the rows for the next position taking that selection into account. Depending on the diversity function, this greedy selection may not lead to an optimal page. Using a stage-wise approach with k-row lookahead could result in a more optimal page than greedy selection, but it comes with increased computational cost. Other approaches to greedily add diversity based on submodular function maximization can also be used.

添加多样性的一种简单方法是使用评分函数从行排名方法切换到逐级方法,该评分函数既考虑行又考虑其与先前行和先前已为页面选择的视频的关系。 在这种情况下,可以采用简单的贪心方法,选择最大化此函数的行作为要使用的下一行,然后将下一个位置的所有行重新评分。 这种贪心的选择可能无法产生最佳页面。 使用具有k行前瞻的分阶段方法可以产生比贪心选择更优化的页面,但是它带来了增加的计算成本。也可以使用其他基于子模块函数最大化贪婪地增加分集的方法。

However, even the stage-wise algorithm is not guaranteed to produce an optimal page because a fixed horizon may limit the ability to fill in better rows further down the page. Thus, if we can instead take a page-wise approach by defining a full-page scoring function, we can try to optimize it by choosing rows and videos appropriately to fill the page. Of course, the space of possible pages is huge, even larger than the space of possible rows. Since a page layout is defined in a discrete space, directly optimizing a function that defines the quality of the whole page is a computationally prohibitive integer programming problem.

然而,即使是阶段式算法也不能保证产生最佳页面,因为固定的时间范围可能会限制在页面下方填充更好的行的能力。 如果我们可以定义整页评分函数,我们可以尝试通过适当选择行和视频来填充页面来优化它。 当然,页面组合的搜索空间很大,因此直接优化定义整个页面质量的函数在算力上是很难实现的。

When solving a page optimization problem with any of these approaches, there are also various constraints that need to be taken into account that were mentioned before, like deduping, filtering, and device-specific constraints. Each of these constraints add to the complexity of the optimization problem.



Notional importance of navigation modeling.Members are more likely to scan vertically than horizontally, which means videos presented in the upper left are much more likely to be seen than those in the lower right.


When forming the homepage it is also important to consider how members navigate the page, i.e., to consider which positions on the page they are likely to pay attention to and interact with in a session. Placing the most relevant videos in the positions that are most likely to be seen, which tends to be the upper-left corner, should reduce the time for a member to find something relevant to watch. However, modeling navigation on a two-dimensional page is difficult, especially taking into account that different people may navigate d