Netflix 如何利用A/B测试选择最佳封面图

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Selecting the best artwork for videos through A/B testing


由于Netflix的一部电影可能有很多不同的标题。不同国家不同区域使用的文字标题都会不同,因此文中大量使用了title这个词。但便于理解,部分会选择翻译成电影,影片。 若有疏漏 请指正 Gingo

Netflix Technology Blog

Netflix Technology BlogFollow

May 3, 2016 · 10 min read

At Netflix, we are constantly looking at ways to help our 81.5M members discover great stories that they will love. A big part of that is creating a user experience that is intuitive, fun, and meaningfully helps members find and enjoy stories on Netflix as fast as possible.

This blog post and the corresponding non-technical blog by my Creative Services colleague Nick Nelson take a deeper look at the key findings from our work in image selection — focusing on how we learned, how we improved the service and how we are constantly developing new technologies to make Netflix better for our members.


Gone in 90 seconds 90秒离开法则

Broadly, we know that if you don’t capture a member’s attention within 90 seconds, that member will likely lose interest and move onto another activity. Such failed sessions could at times be because we did not show the right content or because we did show the right content but did not provide sufficient evidence as to why our member should watch it. How can we make it easy for our members to evaluate if a piece of content is of interest to them quickly?

As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Neuroscientists have discovered that the human brain can process an image in as little as 13 milliseconds, and that across the board, it takes much longer to process text compared to visual information. Will we be able to improve the experience by improving the images we display in the Netflix experience?


This blog post sheds light on the groundbreaking series of A/B tests Netflix did which resulted in increased member engagement. Our goals were the following:

  1. Identify artwork that enabled members to find a story they wanted to watch faster.
  2. Ensure that our members increase engagement with each title and also watch more in aggregate.
  3. Ensure that we don’t misrepresent titles as we evaluate multiple images.

The series of tests we ran is not unlike any other area of the product — where we relentlessly test our way to a better member experience with an increasingly complex set of hypotheses using the insights we have gained along the way.

这篇文章揭秘 Netflix 如何通过A/B测试来提高用户忠诚度。此文的目的是以下三点:

  1. 更快识别出哪些封面能帮助人们更快找到想看的影片。
  2. 提高用户的参与度(评论 交互等),而且整体而言提升观看时间。
  3. 保证我们衡量影片封面图时,没有让人误解标题的信息。


Background and motivation 背景和动机


When a typical member comes to the above homepage the member glances at several details for each title including the display artwork (e.g. highlighted “Narcos” artwork in the “Popular on Netflix” row), title (“Narcos”), movie ratings (TV-MA), synopsis, star rating, etc. Through various studies, we found that our members look at the artwork first and then decide whether to look at additional details. Knowing that, we asked ourselves if we could improve the click-through rate for that first glance? To answer this question, we sought the support of our Creative Services team who work on creating compelling pieces of artwork that convey the emotion of the entire title in a single image, while staying true to the spirit. The Creative Services team worked with our studio partners and at times with our internal design team to create multiple artwork variants.

Examples of artwork that were used in other contexts that don’t naturally lend themselves to be used on the Netflix service.

Historically, this was a largely unexplored area at Netflix and in the industry in general. Netflix would get title images from our studio partners that were originally created for a variety of purposes. Some were intended for roadside billboards where they don’t live alongside other titles. Other images were sourced from DVD cover art which don’t work well in a grid layout in multiple form factors (TV, mobile, etc.). Knowing that, we set out to develop a data driven framework through which we can find the best artwork for each video, both in the context of the Netflix experience and with the goal of increasing overall engagement — not just move engagement from one title to another.反观而言,这是一个很大程度上未被Netflix研究的领域,甚至在整个工业界都没有被研究透。Netflix可以从他们工作室伙伴那儿得到许多封面,即使他们本身创造的目的不尽相同。某些是为了是为了放在路边公告牌上,其他的可能是作为DVD的封面。在此基础上,我们开始构建一个数据为基础的架构,一个我们能对每个影片找到最适合影片封面的架构,不仅仅是提升Netflix的用户体验,也是提高整体的用户交互,而不是将流量从一个影片导向另一个影片

Testing our way into a better product通过检验改进产品

Broadly, Netflix’s A/B testing philosophy is about building incrementally, using data to drive decisions, and failing fast. When we have a complex area of testing such as image selection, we seek to prove out the hypothesis in incremental steps with increasing rigor and sophistication.

Testing our way into a better product 实验一:The Short Game

One of the earliest tests we ran was on the single title “The Short Game” — an inspiring story about several grade school students competing with each other in the game of golf. If you see the default artwork for this title you might not realize easily that it is about kids and skip right past it. Could we create a few artwork variants that increase the audience for a title?
最开始,我们对一个影片进行了测试,先对一个影片名“The Short Game“进行了测试,这个影片讲述了一个小学生在高尔夫球比赛中互相竞争的振奋人心的故事。如果你看默认的封面,你或许不能知道这个影片是关于小孩的,而且然后略过了这个影片。我们能够通过创造其他的封面来增加影片的观看人数吗?


To answer this question, we built a very simple A/B test where members in each test cell get a different image for that title. We measured the engagement with the title for each variant — click through rate, aggregate play duration, fraction of plays with short duration, fraction of content viewed (how far did you get through a movie or series), etc. Sure enough, we saw that we could widen the audience and increase engagement by using different artwork.

A skeptic might say that we may have simply moved hours to this title from other titles on the service. However, it was an early signal that members are sensitive to artwork changes. It was also a signal that there were better ways we could help our members find the types of stories they were looking for within the Netflix experience. Knowing this, we embarked on an incrementally larger test to see if we could build a similar positive effect on a larger set of titles.


Experiment 2 (multi-cell explore-exploit test) 实验二(多个影片的探索利用测试)

The next experiment ran with a significantly larger set of titles across the popularity spectrum — both blockbusters and niche titles. The hypothesis for this test was that we can improve aggregate streaming hours for a large member allocation by selecting the best artwork across each of these titles.

This test was constructed as a two part explore-exploit test. The “explore” test measured engagement of each candidate artwork for a set of titles. The “exploit” test served the most engaging artwork (from explore test) for future users and see if we can improve aggregate streaming hours.



Using the explore member population, we measured the take rate (click-through rate) of all artwork variants for each title. We computed take rate by dividing number of plays (barring very short plays) by the number of impressions on the device. We had several choices for the take rate metric across different grains:

  • Should we include members who watch a few minutes of a title, or just those who watched an entire episode, or those who watched the entire show?
  • Should we aggregate take rate at the country level, region level, or across global population?

Using offline modeling, we narrowed our choices to 3 different take rate metrics using a combination of the above factors. Here is a pictorial summary of how the two tests were connected.

  • 我们应该只计算看了影片至少几分钟的用户,还是只计算看完了整集的用户,抑或是只计算看完了整个剧情的用户?
  • 我们应该计算每个国家的观看率,还是地区的观看率,或者是全球的观看率呢?



The results from this test were unambiguous — we significantly raised view share of the titles testing multiple variants of the artwork and we were also able to raise aggregate streaming hours. It proved that we weren’t simply shifting hours. Showing members more relevant artwork drove them to watch more of something they have not discovered earlier. We also verified that we did not negatively affect secondary metrics like short duration plays, fraction of content viewed, etc. We did additional longitudinal A/B tests over many months to ensure that simply changing artwork periodically is not as good as finding a better performing artwork and demonstrated the gains don’t just come from changing the artwork.


There were engineering challenges as we pursued this test. We had to invest in two major areas — collecting impression data consistently across devices at scale and across time.


  1. Client side impression tracking: One of the key components to measuring take rate is knowing how often a title image came into the viewport on the device (impressions). This meant that every major device platform needed to track every image that came into the viewport when a member stopped to consider it even for a fraction of a second. Every one of these micro-events is compacted and sent periodically as a part of the member session da