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反向常用:((ugly))),(((duplicate))),((morbid)),((mutilated)),(((tranny))),(((trans))),((trannsexual))),(((mutation))),(((deformed)))(((long neck))),((bad anatomy))(((bad proportions))),(((extra arms))),(((extra legs))), (((disfigured))),((more than 2 nipples))),malformed,mutated,(hermaphrodite),((extra limbs)).((missing arms)).((missing legs)).((poorly drawn hands))((poorty drawn face)),(mutation,poorly drawn :1.2),(long body :1.3).multiple breasts,cloned face,gross proportions, mutated hands,bad hands,bad feet,long neck,missing limb,(malformed limbs),malformed hands,(fused fingers).(too many fingers),extra fingers,missing fingers,extra digit,fewer digits,(mutated hands and fingers :1.5),low res,text,error,cropped,worst quality,low quality,normal quality,jpeg, artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, text font ui,futa,yaoi,
画质常用:masterpiece, best quality, masterpiece,best quality,official art,extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper,
地点常用:steam, in the cyberpunk city, explosion, underwater, flower field, fireworks, intense shadows, strong rim light, golden hour lighting, sky, sea, mountain, on a hill, the top of the hill, in a meadow, plateau, on a desert, cityscape, in hawaii, landscape, beautiful detailed sky, beautiful detailed water, on the beach, on the ocean, beautiful purple sunset at beach, over the sea, in the ocean, against backlight at dusk,
风格常用:artbook, game_cg, comic, 4koma, animated_gif, dakimakura, cosplay, dark, crossover, light, night, guro, realistic, photo, real, landscape/scenery, cityscape, science_fiction, original, parody, personification, checkered, highres, lowres, absurdres, column_lineup, everyone, expressions, profile, bust, back, sample, album, covr, silhouette, what, artist_request, tagme, bad_id, watercolor_(medium), traditional_media, translation_request, Japanese, sketch, fine_art_parody, French, optical_illusion, zoom_layer, colorful, monochrome, gradient_background, pixel_art, wallpaper, simple_background, huge_filesize, incredibly_absurdres, transparent_background,
角色常用:girl, little boy, shota, loli, kawaii, mesugaki, adorable girl, bishoujo, sisters, gyaru, ojousama, mature female, mature, female pervert, milf, harem, angel, cheerleader, chibi, crossdressing, devil, doll, elf, fairy, female, furry, orc, giantess, harem, idol, kemonomimi_mode, loli, magical_girl, male, maid, mermaid, miko, milf, minigirl, monster, multiple_girls, no_humans, ninja, nun, nurse, shota, stewardess, student, trap, vampire, waitress, witch, yaoi, yukkuri_shiteitte_ne, yuri,
自考虑:easynegative,toony,dated,line art,flat colors


  • 提高图像质量的正向提示词
正向提示词 描述
HDR, UHD, 8K (HDR、UHD、4K、8K和64K) 这样的质量词可以带来巨大的差异提升照片的质量
best quality 最佳质量
masterpiece 杰作
Highly detailed 画出更多详细的细节
Studio lighting 添加演播室的灯光,可以为图像添加一些漂亮的纹理
ultra-fine painting 超精细绘画
sharp focus 聚焦清晰
physically-based rendering 基于物理渲染
extreme detail description 极其详细的刻画
Professional 加入该词可以大大改善图像的色彩对比和细节
Vivid Colors 给图片添加鲜艳的色彩,可以为你的图像增添活力
Bokeh 虚化模糊了背景,突出了主体,像 iPhone 的人像模式
(EOS R8, 50mm, F1.2, 8K, RAW photo:1.2) 摄影师对相机设置的描述
High resolution scan 让你的照片具有老照片的样子赋予年代感
Sketch 素描
Painting 绘画
  • 艺术风格代表的提示词加入对应类型画家的风格,提升我们的照片效果。
艺术风格 艺术家
肖像画(Portraits) Derek Gores, Miles Aldridge, Jean Baptiste-Carpeaux, Anne-Louis Girodet
风景画(Landscape) Alejandro Bursido, Jacques-Laurent Agasse, Andreas Achenbach, Cuno Amiet
恐怖画(Horror) H.R.Giger, Tim Burton, Andy Fairhurst, Zdzislaw Beksinski
动漫画(Anime) Makoto Shinkai, Katsuhiro Otomo, Masashi Kishimoto, Kentaro Miura
科幻画(Sci-fi) Chesley Bonestell, Karel Thole, Jim Burns, Enki Bilal
摄影(Photography) Ansel Adams, Ray Earnes, Peter Kemp, Ruth Bernhard
概念艺术家(视频游戏)(Concept artists (video game)) Emerson Tung, Shaddy Safadi, Kentaro Miura
  • 常用的反向提示词
反向提示词 描述
mutated hands and fingers 变异的手和手指
deformed 畸形的
bad anatomy 解剖不良
disfigured 毁容
poorly drawn face 脸部画得不好
mutated 变异的
extra limb 多余的肢体
ugly 丑陋
poorly drawn hands 手部画得很差
missing limb 缺少的肢体
floating limbs 漂浮的四肢
disconnected limbs 肢体不连贯
malformed hands 畸形的手
out of focus 脱离焦点
long neck 长颈
long body 身体长
  • 视角
提示词 描述
dynamic angle 动态角度
from above 从上方
from below 从下面
wide shot 广角宽景
Aerial View 空中俯瞰视图
  • 主体远近
提示词 描述
full body shot 全身
cowboy shot 半身
close-up shot 接近
  • 光线
提示词 描述
cinematic lighting 电影光
dynamic lighting 动感光
  • 视线
提示词 描述
looking at viewer 画面中的物体或人物在直接面对画面或观众
looking at another 两个角色正在相互交流或对视
looking away 看着别的方向,不直视对方
looking back 回头看
looking up 摄像机或观察者的视角调整为向上看
  • 画风
提示词 描述
sketch, one-hour drawing challenge 草图、速写、手绘风
photograph, photorealistic 照片
  • 身体指定表情
提示词 描述
blush 脸红
wet sweat 大汗
flying sweatdrops 飞汗
  • 衣服指定制服
提示词 描述
china dress 旗袍
sailor dress 水手服
school uniform 校服
sailor senshi uniform 《美少女战士》中战士们穿着的制服,水手服
  • 风景指定
提示词 描述
underwater 水下
shinto shrine 神社
  • 基础姿势
提示词 描述
Sitting 坐着
Stand 站立
Squat 蹲下
Grovel 匍匐前进
Lie 躺下
Jump 跳跃
Run 奔跑
Walk 行走
Fly 飞行
Head tilt 头部倾斜
Looking back 向后看
Looking down 低头看
Looking up 抬头看
Smelling 嗅探
Sleeping 睡觉
Bathing 洗澡
  • 手部姿势
提示词 描述
Hand to mouth 手捂嘴巴
Arm at side 手臂垂于身侧
Arms behind head 双手后抱头
Arms behind back 双手后背
Hand on own chest 手放在胸前
Arms crossed 双臂交叉
Hand on hips 手放在腰上
Hand on hip 手放在腰上
Hands up 双手举起
Stretch 伸展
Armpits 腋下
Leg hold 手臂抓住腿部
Grabbing 抓住
Holding 手持
Fingersmile 用手比出微笑表情
Hair pull 拉扯头发
Hair scrunchie 头发束起
Peace symbol 和平手势
Salute 敬礼
Thumbs up 点赞手势
Middle finger 中指
Cat pose 猫式
Finger gun 手指比出枪状
Shushing 嘘声
Waving 挥手
Spread arms 双臂张开
Hands on hip 双手放在腰上
  • 腿部姿势
提示词 描述
Spread legs 张开双腿
Crossed legs 叉腿
Fetal position 胎儿位
Leg lift 抬腿
Legs up 抬高腿部
Leaning forward 向前倾斜
Against wall 靠墙
On stomach 俯卧
Seiza 正坐
Wariza/W-sitting W坐姿
Yokozuwari 侧坐
Indian style 打坐
Leg hug 抱腿
Straddling 跨坐
Kneeling 跪姿
Smoking 抽烟
Arm support 扶腿